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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter nine.

When Monday finally came, Karina was still suffering from headaches, but she was taking the medication that Carlisle had prescribed to her, and it helped greatly.

"Rina." Angela sung her name making the girl pause in her steps.

"Yes Angie?" Karina asked her while looping their arms together as they headed to their fifth period.

"Did you get your permission slip signed?" Angela asked her and Karina nodded her head. "Good, I do not want to be stuck alone."

Karina giggled. "What about Bella and Jess?"

Angela nodded her head. "Well aside from them." She corrected herself. "I need you there with me too."

Karina laughed and the girls entered the classroom, taking their seats in the middle. "Well, I need you as well."

Angela smiled warmly at her. "So, I'm thinking about asking Eric or Ben to prom, but I keep thinking that one of them going to ask me." She whispered to the girl when class started.

"Ben." Karina instantly shot out and immediately looked sheepish when Angela gave her a look. "What? I've seen the way that he looks at you and you two would look so cute together!" Karina told her and didn't miss how Angela's cheeks heated up.

"Ms. Weber, Ms. Baxter, is there something more important than my lesson?" Their teacher called them out and both girls froze.

Angela spoke for the both of them, knowing that Karina had a sharp tongue and would back talk the teacher which would result in detention. "No, of course not. I was reviewing with Karina on what she missed."

Though she didn't believe her, the teacher nodded her head and went back to teacher. Both girls visibly relaxed before letting out quiet giggles.

Time had gone by fast, soon enough it was seventh period and Karina was practically bouncing. She had never been on a field trip, since back in New York she was always getting detention and they never let her go as punishment.

While this one was about the environment, Karina didn't let that sour her mood on finally getting to go on one.

"Code red!" Bella breathed as she rushed up towards Angela and Karina. "Mike just asked me to prom-"

Karina cut her off. "Thank god it wasn't me."

Angela muffled a laugh and Bella smiled before continuing. "But I told him a lie about how I was hanging out with Karina that entire week." Karina nodded her head, but didn't understand why it was a code red. "And now he's coming over here to see if it's true!" Karina and Angela shared a look before looking back at Bella, to see that Mike was indeed coming over to them.

Angela took Karina and Bella's permission slips and walked off, not wanting to see Karina kick Mike down a notch as Mr. Molina yelled. "Make sure I get your permission slips!"

As the two girls waited for the inevitable, their eyes seemed to travel in the same direction. Bella and Karina both seemed to be in the same trance, their eyes on the spot of where the accident took place.

Karina was recalling the moments when her heart fell into her stomach and she believed that she was going to die, then it didn't happen. She recalled the slight relief that she felt to be saved by someone, by Jasper. She recalled everything up until the moment she fainted, and she could hear him calling out to her.

Selcouth • J. Hale ✓Where stories live. Discover now