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chapter sixty-four.

After spending almost an entire month in New York, they were all ready to head back to Forks.

During their time there, Elijah had grown and now looked like he was at least nine years old. His dirty blonde hair had curls in them that reminded Karina of his father constantly and the freckles on his cheeks were more prominent now. He was a replica of both of his parents mixed together and he loved those compliments when people gave them to him.

Karina had done as she said she would and bought Leah a whole new wardrobe, which Leah couldn't deny was exactly her style. Leah wasn't a girly girl in any way, so Karina kept that in mind as she took Leah on a shopping trip. Though, that didn't stop her from sneaking in a few dresses here.

Jasper and Karina had many more date nights which always resulted in Karina having to buy a new bed since they always broke the one they were using. Sometimes Karina forgot just how strong they both were and when she remembered in the morning, Jasper always found the situation humorous.

I mean, who wouldn't? Having to explain to the mattress place every week that they had broken their bed again? Now, that was funny to him.

Still, by their last week there, Karina had officially decided to sell the place. She wanted to find a new place to set up a home, one that wasn't just in Forks or in New York.

Her cousin Damien offered to buy it from her but upon looking at the place, he too realized that his own small family of four didn't need 13 bedrooms and bathrooms with a pool and pool house.

It was a large home and Karina was bittersweet about saying goodbye but knew that it was time. Of course, she first asked how William felt about it and he said that it was up to her. He had told her that his home was there in Forks now and while he had fun in New York, he preferred the home in Forks with her and Aurora.

So, she put the house on the market and now all she had to do was wait.

It was currently the 20th and Thanksgiving was only days away. Karina was shocked to find that her cousin Damien had asked to come by and visit with his family. Karina had asked her mother and she said that she was fine with it, she missed that side of Andrew's family as he hadn't seen them since her wedding.

Karina didn't want to hide Elijah and who he was, so they decided to tell Damien that he was their adopted son because there was no way that they could explain his rapid growth for being only two months old.

Renesmee was only a month old and looked as if she was six or seven years old, Elijah was born first so that means that he looked older than her. They were both very intelligent for their young age and their rapid growth only seemed to speed up the older they looked.

"Rina." Karina snapped out of her thoughts and looked to where her mother had called out to her. "I asked if you were sure that Jasper would be okay coming."

"Sorry, just thinking." Karina apologized while running a hand through her hair. "But yes, he'll be fine as long as we're together."

Aurora smiled, "Good. Is it bad that I'm nervous?" She laughed softly, "I haven't seen Damien since the wedding but even then he was just a boy."

"Everything will go according to plan mama." Karina reassured her before checking the time on her phone. "Now, I'll be back to help with preparations but for now, I gotta baby boy waiting for me."

"Baby my ass." Aurora joked and Karina laughed while hugging her mom. "Give Elijah kisses for me."

Karina nodded her head and walked out of the house where she found William with Roscoe. "There's my favorite boy."

William looked over at his sister with a smile, "Are you leaving already?"

Karina nodded her head, "Yes but I'll be back before you know it and hey, we could even plan a sleepover. Elijah misses you."

"I miss him too." William told her while walking over to give her a hug. "Is he going to be okay?"

Karina knew what he was asking, if Elijah would ever stop aging or if he would age himself to death. "He's going to be fine Will, I know he will."

William nodded his head and pulled away from the hug, "Okay good."

Karina then got into her Pontiac, which she was driving a lot more now, and headed home. Still, she couldn't help but have a bad feeling grow in the pit of her stomach.

Thanksgiving was a blast.

Karina had never seen her mother so relaxed around family, minus Billy and Jake, of course, but she enjoyed seeing her mother reconnect with this lost part of her life.

Damien brought his wife and two kids, who got along well with Elijah and William. His wife, Melody, was a blonde with green eyes which her children Luke and Daniel inherited. They had dirty blonde hair, taking Melody's blonde hair and mixing it with Damien's light brown hair.

They were adorable and Karina was happy for her cousin.

"So, Elijah is from Jasper's side of the family?" Damien asked as they were cleaning up dinner.

Karina nodded her head, "Yes. It was either him or Rosalie to take him, but Rosalie said that she wasn't ready so, we took him."

Damien nodded his head, "I see. Well, he looks really happy." He looked over where Elijah was playing with his sons. "Your dad would be proud."

Karina felt her throat close up as she thought about her father, she couldn't help but wonder how would he feel about all of this. Would he notice Karina's change and demand answers? Would she be able to tell him of the supernatural world or would she lie like she had done tonight?

"Hey." Karina snapped out of her thoughts to see her cousin looking at her concerned. "Don't think about it, he would be."

Karina smiled at him, "I hope so."

The remainder of the night was spent cleaning, spending more time together, before Damien and his family called it and headed back to Port Angeles where they were staying in a hotel.

Karina and Jasper also bid her family goodnight and returned to their own home. Once Elijah was done for the count, Karina found herself lingering by the doorway as she watched him sleep.

"Damien was right, you know." Jasper spoke up softly from behind her. "Your dad would be proud of you."

Karina smiled softly, "I want to believe that, but I can't help but feel like he wouldn't."

"Karina, your dad loved you." Jasper told her while hugging her from behind. "He would be proud of the woman you've become, the person you've evolved into since coming here, and the mother you've found yourself to be. He would be proud."

Karina turned around and wrapped her arms around Jasper's neck, "I love you."

"I love you too." Jasper told her before pecking her once and lifting her up.

Karina bit her lip to keep from laughing as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her to their bedroom and sat down with her situated on his lap. Karina ran her hands through Jasper's hair and smiled softly at him, she really did love this man and she regretted how their relationship played out for them to get to this point.

"I'm sorry." Karina whispered and Jasper looked at her confused. "For everything, for how our relationship played out, how I fought the bond when you came back, for running when I found out that I was pregnant. I'm sorry Jas."

Jasper shook his head at her and cupped her face softly, "Karina, you don't need to apologize. I love you and nothing could ever change that. You are my world."

"As you are mine." Karina whispered to him while leaning down to capture his lips with her own.

Despite Jasper forgiving her, Karina knew that she would spend her days doing her best to make it up to him.

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