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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter twenty-eight.

Karina sat on the beach, Roscoe was running around in front of her with William right behind him. The two were playing this game of tag that Karina found utterly adorable and couldn't help but record a few moments here and there.

The sound of laughter made Karina tear her eyes away from William for a moment. Her eyes landed on Sam Uley, Paul Lahote, and Jared Cameron. Karina looked away before she could be caught staring and smiled once more at the sight of William letting out loud laughs as he ran from Roscoe.

"Karina?" At the sound of Paul's voice, Karina looked back over at the group. "What are you doing here?"

She tilted her head, almost instantly understanding the hidden message. She was technically a vampire, and this was their land.

"I'm spending time with my little brother. He feels neglected." She told him and he looked over to where William had taken a break from running and was now petting Roscoe calmly.

"He doesn't look like you." Sam's voice jumped in, and Karina rolled her eyes.

Oh, if she had a dime for every time someone had said that when she introduced William, then she was sure that she would have a good amount of money.

"Same dad, different mom's." Karina vaguely responded and no one pushed.

News of Andrew Baxter's death floated around like the plague, even more so when it came to his daughter Karina. People wanted to know where she was and they were trying to find her, but Karina had only told her Uncle where she was going and the people who flew her in via private jet hadn't squealed yet, so she was fine.

Plus, the people of Forks adored them, so they were all for keeping Karina and William's residence a secret. Still, the people of Forks and La Push knew not to talk about her father.

"So, you're just watching him play with your dog?" Paul questioned and Karina nodded, a small smile on her face as she rested her head on her knees.

"I enjoy seeing him happy. He's been worried about people using him for money which hasn't happened but he's afraid. I brought him here to clear his head, something I've been needing to do too." She explained and she didn't know why she had opened up to Paul, but she didn't care.

"Rina, I'm hungry!" William stated as he and Roscoe approached the group. William looked nervous as he noticed the three boys with Karina, "Hi, I'm William."

Just like that, Paul, Jared, and Sam were all putty in William's hand. Karina giggled when William managed to bring a smile onto all of their faces.

"My fiancé is probably cooking, would you like to join us for lunch?" Sam offered and Karina stilled.

She glanced at Paul slightly, but he avoided her gaze, and she knew that he hadn't told them who she was and what happened that day.

"Can we Rina? Oh, can we please?!" William begged and Karina couldn't say no to the puppy eyes that he was giving him.

"Gah!" She exclaimed, making the boys chuckle while William smiled widely. "Alright, let's go."

Paul held out a hand for Karina and Karina allowed him to pull her up, she slightly stumbled into him, but he caught her. Karina smiled at him in thanks before holding out her hand for William to take hold of which he did instantly.

"So how are we getting there?" She questioned while holding out her keys for one of them to take. "Because I don't know where to go."

"I got it." Paul took the keys and nodded his head at Sam.

Selcouth • J. Hale ✓Where stories live. Discover now