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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter twenty-seven.

"I'm honestly surprised that you remembered that I exist."

Despite the humor and teasing in her tone, Bella winced and looked guilty. "I'm sorry Karina. I shouldn't have shut you out."

Karina gave Bella a small smile, shaking her head. "No, it's fine. I understand that you're heartbroken with him leaving and all. We all deal with things differently." She told her with a shrug and Bella smiled at her.

"Alright, so what's first?" Bella asked and let Karina proceed to distract her.

Karina dragged Bella from store to store, even bought the girl her own bouquet of roses which made Bella laugh because she thought it was funny. For the first time, in months, Bella didn't feel like she was drowning.

For the first time, in a long time, Bella was able to laugh and smile without it being forced. She really needed this, she needed Karina and Karina didn't let Bella forget for a single moment that she would always be there for her.

"So, you and Javier have been spending time together?" Bella questioned as the two stopped to get lunch. "How is he doing?"

Karina took a sip of her drink before speaking, "He was exactly like you three months ago. He shut himself off from his friends and locked himself in his house." Karina explained.

Bella looked slightly worried, "Is he okay now?"

"Yes, we're actually supposed to go furniture shopping because he ruined his entire living room when Alice broke their bond." Karina told her and smiled at the waitress when she returned with their orders.

"Alright, here you two go." She set their plates down. "Let me know if you need anything else." She politely told the two and they both smiled at her in thanks.

This was also something Karina learned about herself, since she was in bardo, literally in between life and death, she was able to eat human food without having to puke it up.

However, she wondered if she would look a little healthier if she tried animal blood. Javier had offered her some of his blood, but Karina refused, she was afraid of what reaction that would emit from her, and she didn't want to hurt Javier if it went badly.

This was all something, Karina kept from Bella. She figured that if she was going to die then she didn't want anyone to try and save her, which is what Bella would do. Karina knew that Jasper was the only one who could, but he was gone now.

"How bad was it?" Bella asked her as she picked up a fry from her plate.

Karina bit into her burger as she thought about it, she made sure to swallow before speaking. "The picture frames were all shattered, there are holes in his walls probably still, and somehow he managed to save his couch while everything else was ruined."

"My god, maybe we should have invited him." Bella wondered and Karina didn't know if Javier would have even come out.

"I can text him and see if he wants to join in late?" Karina offered and Bella thought about it before nodding her head.

Bella couldn't keep this up, she knew that she was worrying people, her parents, and Karina's family, so she deemed this as necessary. She was going to get back into her old self because even she knew that this wasn't healthy.

"Surprisingly, he agreed. He'll be here in ten." Karina informed Bella before waving over the waiter to buy Javier something to eat.

When Javier arrived, Karina noticed how he didn't shave which made him look older which in this case, he was. Javier was the same age as Sam Uley, though Sam changed first which made him the temporary Alpha, then a week later, Javier shifted.

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