here go our downfalls

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tw: talk of depression
request: hey i saw that you were open for mental health prompts, would it be possible to have delia help the reader when she crashes? after a bad dip in her depression and anxiety the reader struggles to talk to anyone about it,one night just starts crying at the smallest things, barely leaves the room or eats + is afraid of what delia will think so avoids her. delia could then confront the reader and let her breakdown in her arms until the reader falls asleep delia could stroke her hair and comfort her
note: semi-AUish. no witches, no powers, just regular people.


Cordelia's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as she drove to your apartment. Worry and concern overtook her rationality for you.
She haphazardly parked out front, rushing to your doorstep. She noticed your car and immediately knew that you had to be inside. You hadn't spoken to Cordelia all day and for the past few weeks she'd caught sight that you weren't yourself. But given that work and liveliness got in the way, she didn't have the chance to talk to you about it. You'd still been put together whenever she last saw you. A smile plastered your face and you had everyone convinced.

"Y/N? Can you unlock the door please?"

When there wasn't an answer to her knock, Cordelia picked the lock with a spare bobby pin from her pocket. She hoped to find you so focused into a book that you didn't hear her, but that wasn't the case. Before her was a sight that only broke her heart.

You laid on your couch, hair messy as if it hadn't been brushed, and your eyes held an empty, meaningless stare. It seemed as if you hadn't moved from your spot in awhile. Come to think of it, Cordelia hadn't seen you in four days.

Her concern grew even more when a reaction to her arrival hadn't left your face.

"Y/N sit up for me okay?"

No response.

Cordelia took this as a sign and walked towards you, slipping her arms underneath your body, picking you up bridal style. She carried to you the bathroom and placed you in the bathtub, starting the water.

It was the coldness that brought your attention to Cordelia. Confusion was written all over your face. She smiled. "That's it Y/N, come back to me." Her soft voice rang through your ears and you sat up quickly, realizing what was happening. A hand landed on your shoulder, pushing you back down. "It's okay, you're safe. I promise."

The water was beginning to warm up the longer it ran. She shut it off when it got to an appropriate temperature.

"What happened?" You questioned.

"You hadn't been answering my texts or calls, so I came over. I knocked on your door but there was no answer, which led me to picking your lock - sorry about that. You were laying on the couch and you wouldn't answer me. Now we're here. Talk to me?" She pleaded.

"Can I bathe first? I feel gross." You began stripping from your outfit without Cordelia's answer. The blonde nodded, grabbed a towel, spare clothes and left the door cracked just enough for her to feel okay with leaving you to your privacy.

You didn't really know what to think. The last few days were a blur and your mind was in too much of a mess to try and remember them. It only continued as you sat for what felt like five minutes, but in reality it was more like thirty.

"Y/N? are you okay?"


"I'm coming in." Cordelia left no room for argument, walking right in as you answered.
"I'll help you finish bathing." She got a rag and covered it in soap before lightly rubbing it on your body. "Okay," was all you could say.

The one thing that stuck out to Cordelia was how soft and fragile your voice had become. This wasn't the tough, confident person she was used to. This was a completely different side of you that no one really knew about.
Cordelia rememered seeing this side of you only a handful of times, but each one broke her heart to the fullest.

Once Cordelia was finished, she helped you get dressed and carried you to the bed, laying down in the empty space next to you.
You turned around to face her. Your eyes were filled with sadness, along with holding a familiar emptiness not too far behind. It was as if you were too sad to care, or maybe you were so empty that it made you sad. Either way was concerning.

Cordelia brushed a few strands of hair from your face. "Talk to me sweetheart, tell me what's going on."

Tears immediately began to fall from your eyes and down your face.

"I don't know. I just feel something, and I don't even know to to explain it because I'm also so empty that it hurts. It doesn't feel like exact sadness, but I know it is so that makes it even more confusing. And I just feel so unmotivated, like nothing even matters and I don't know what to do." You rushed out, something in you finally breaking.

"Shh it's okay sweetheart, you're okay. I'm here, everything's okay." Cordelia brought you closer and began stroking your hair, hoping to ease the pain even just a little bit.

"This'll pass. I know it doesn't feel like it, but I know it will." You nodded in her chest as she continued to stroke your hair. Delia was the most comforting person you'd ever met, and for that you were most eternally grateful.

"Have you eaten?" You shook your head. A small frown made its way to the older woman's face. "When was the last time you ate?"

"I can't remember. I think I only had a slice of toast the other day, maybe a banana, I don't know." Cordelia placed a soft kiss on your temple before getting out of bed. Curious as to where she was going, you sat up. When she heard your movements she turned around.

"Stay here. I'll be right back. Promise." She said with a wink.

After waiting around for Delia a little while longer, you shut your eyes. There was peace for a moments worth before she came back.
Cordelia greeted you with a plate of food she knew you enjoyed prior to your downfall. You thanked her and took the plate in your hands. The both of you moved so that you rest between her legs with her arms settling on your stomach.

You didn't eat very much, only enough to satisfy her. But she knew you weren't very hungry anyway, so she let it be. You sat quietly, too quiet for Delia to not notice that something was wrong.

"What's on your mind?"

You struggled to reply, but your question eventually made its way out. "Do you still look at me the same?" You mumbled, hoping she wouldn't hear you. But it was Cordelia, and she heard everything. She tightened her grip around your body and began rubbing small circles just below your ribs. "I would never look at you any differently. You will always be the same person to me, no matter how you look or feel, whether you're unwell or sick. You will always be the same person I know and love."
You nodded, but still had your doubts. "I just... I know it can be a lot sometimes and I never want to be too much. You didn't sign up for this-"

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong. Don't you know that? I knew coming into this relationship that each one of us would have our own hardships. I'm not leaving you. I'm afraid you're stuck with me even if you don't like it, sweetheart." She was gentle with you, taking her time to find each and every word so you would know how much she meant them.

Emotions began to overwhelm you and you began to cry again. Cordelia whispered sweet nothings in your ear with the occasional kiss on your face. Both eventually put you back to sleep in her arms, but neither of you would have it any other way.

𝐬.𝐩. 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now