Alec Lightwood

33 6 1

OC Name- Astrid Elide Fray/Wayland

Fandom- Shadowhunters (The show)

Editing Needed- 5/10

(Astrid's P.O.V.)

I groan when my alarm pulls me from my sleep. I slam my fist on the dismiss button and pull myself out of bed. I take a shower before dressing in red jean shorts, a black tank top, and black heeled booties. I towel dry my hair and let the rest just air dry. I grab my phone and stele, pocketing them both before grabbing the present for my little sister and leaving my bedroom. I reach the living room where my mother is, and set the present on the counter. She looks up at me, making a face at my outfit choice.

"Can't you wear something a little less revealing?" She asks, walking over to me.

"Nope. I'm comfy like this." I laugh before going serious. "She up yet?"

"Yes, I am up." I hear my little sister say behind me. I turn around and grin at the orange haired girl.

"Happy birthday, Clary." I say, handing her the present. She squeals and tears it open, gasping at what's in the bag.

"Are you gonna teach me how to use it?" She excitedly asks, holding up the collapsible bow staff.

"Of course." I laugh. "But I have something else for you, too."

"You do?" She squeals.

"Duh. Have I ever just given you one present?" I snort.

"You give the best presents, Astrid."

"I know." I laugh. "Now let's go. I'll take you to the gym and teach you how to use that thing."

"Be careful, Girls." Mom calls as we turn to leave.

"When are we not?"


"Are we really going to the gym?" Clary asks as I drive around.

"Nope." I reply, popping the "p".

"Where are we going, then?"

"You'll see." I grin. A few minutes later, Clary gasps.

"We're going to Simon's house!" She exclaims.

"Yup. I'm picking him up and then dropping you off at the academy." I laugh. "Simon will be waiting at the cafe down the street."

"What about you?" She asks as I pull into the driveway.

"I will be at home, preparing your other gifts."

"Let's go!" Simon screams, jumping into the backseat of the jeep.

"We're going." Clary and I laugh.


"What're you doing?" My mother, Jocelyn, asks as she walks into my room.

"Putting together the rest of Clary's present and texting." I reply, not looking up.

"Who are you texting?" She asks, sitting on my bed.

"The usual. John." I reply, referring to my boyfriend. He's a shadowhunter like me, but I refuse to tell my mother or sister who he is, so we refer to him as "John Doe".

"Are you ever gonna tell us his real name?"

"Probably not." I shrug, wrapping the gift up.

"When are you giving that to her?" She asks, referring to all the shadowhunter gear.

"When she's ready. After you tell her the truth." I turn and give my mother a stern look.

"I'll tell her when she's ready."

"When will that be, Jocelyn?" I exclaim, throwing my hands up. "Clary is 18 now. The wards are gonna start wearing off soon. I know that you adopted me to protect her, but we won't be around forever. One day she's going to grow up and move out. What's gonna happen then?"

"Astrid, I know I adopted you to protect my daughter. That is why I still allow you to live with us and know about the shadow world. I have raised you as if you were my own daughter. But your job is to protect Clary until she can protect herself."

"I'm well aware of that, Jocelyn. But she's your daughter. Not mine."

"I forgot how stubborn you Waylands are." She laughs.

"Damn right." I mutter. "Now go tell her."

Jocelyn gets up and leaves. As soon as she's gone, I shut and lock the door before grabbing anything and everything valuable to me. I pull up the secret floorboard in my closet, stuffing everything in there. I put the floorboards back before doing a once over of the room. Satisfied with my work, I close and lock my closet before grabbing my stele. I draw a fireproof and locking rune on the doors before leaving the bedroom after changing. I strut out to the main loft, finding Luke, Jocelyn, Clary, and Simon waiting for me.

"Let's get this show on the road!" I exclaim and the two teens laugh. "We'll be back. Don't wait up."

Before anyone can protest, the two teens and I race out the door. After a whole performance by Simon and his bandmate, Maureen, we go out to the van and Simon changes.

"Thanks for being our roadies." Maureen grins.

"Yeah, and thank you for being our artist in residence." Simon says.

"Of course." Clary exclaims, fiddling with the stele that Jocelyn gave her.

"So, you went on stage tonight as Champagne Enima." I smirk, seeing the teens cringe.

"What were we thinking, right?" Simon laughs. "But now... we're Rock Solid Panda."

"Yeah, we are." Maureen agrees.

"Rock Solid Panda coming up. I'm feeling inspired." Clary grabs the spray paint, walking to the side of the van. Clary spray paints the side and gasps when she steps back. My eyes widen as I stare at the rune.

"What's that tag?" Simon asks.

"Weird, I didn't even mean to draw that." Clary replies, very confused. "Second time today."

"Shit happens." I shrug, pulling out my phone when I feel it vibrate.

"Alec, Izzy, and I are running a mission at Pandemonium. We'll probably need an extra hand. Can you meet us there?" The text from my brother reads.

"Yeah. Just bring me, my blade. I've got my staff." I reply before turning to the 3 friends.

"Hey, I'm gonna go in. Let me know if you go inside." I say before strutting inside. I'm in for about 20 minutes before I spot Izzy. I walk up to her, and she hugs me.

"It's good to see you again. Alec has your blade." She grins and I go to find said male.

Soon enough, I find him walking towards a VIP section. I walk up behind him, taking the seraph blade he holds out to me. Not a word is spoken between us as we enter the lounge and hide behind a screen. As soon as we're hidden, he turns and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer, pouring all of my pent up passion and love into the kiss. We pull away when the need for air becomes too much.

"I missed you." Alec pants, resting his forehead against mine.

"I missed you too." I sigh. "I'm sorry. I've been so busy with Jocelyn and Clary."

"It's alright. But you need to come to the institute more often. Jace and I both miss you so much. And I have a feeling Izzy misses having another girl like her around."

"I know. I'll definitely start coming over more often." I say before noticing Jace with the demon. "We'll talk later. Jace has the demon."

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