Derek Hale

124 9 3

OC Name- Amber McCall

Fandom- Teen Wolf

Editing Needed- 10/10

Hi, my name is Amber McCall. Yes, McCall as in Scott McCall, the most popular boy, or rather idiot in school. He is my older brother but only by 2 years. Sometimes though, I seem older. This is my story of how I became a true alpha just like my big brother. However, my story is a bit darker than his. For example, I was severely bullied, I cut myself, and I almost succeeded in committing suicide too. And I would have if it wasn't for my mate, Derek Hale. Now, I've tortured you enough. Here is my story.


It was the first day of school and I had been dreading going back to that hell since the first day of summer break. My alarm started going off rather loudly and I quickly hit dismiss and got up before Scott could hear it. I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of black bootcut jeans, a black skin tight spaghetti strap tank top, thin black socks, my matching black lace bra and panty set, and my black combat boots. I quickly got dressed and threw on a red jacket that I stole from Scott just as he walked in, fully dressed except for his red sweatshirt that he was messing with. I put my binder in my bag as he groaned, giving up with whatever it was that he was messing with, and turned around. He was giving me an innocent smile and I knew right then and there that he wanted something. He held the sweatshirt out to me and I took it, seeing that the string had come out of one side of the hood. I chuckled.

"What do you say if you want me to fix it, Scott?" I said in a teasing tone.

He groaned and mumbled something along the lines of a please. I reached behind me, chuckling again and grabbed a safety pin and magnet from my bedside drawer. I attached the safety pin to the missing side of the string and used the magnet to bring it back through. I took the safety pin out and gave it back to him and we were out the door. Scott's friend,Stiles drove him to school as I walked. I got to the school and made sure that the boys were inside before I began walking. I tried to make my way past everyone as fast as possible when someone shoved me, making me fall and drop all my stuff but they dug their nails into my wrist, catching me. I yelled in pain as she dug her nails deeper. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes and whispered,

"Please leave me alone Marci."

She started laughing and walked off. I started to pick up my spilled things as I saw someone helping me. I looked up and flinched back as he went to hand me my stuff. He looked at me concerned.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked me. "I promise i'm not gonna hurt you."

I swallowed and nodded as I took my stuff from him.

"I'm Amber. Amber McCall."

He smiled softly. "I'm Isaac Lahey. I'm new here, would you mind helping me find my first class?" He asked me softly.

"Yeah, of course. Can I see your schedule?"

He smiled and handed me his schedule.

"Oh, cool." I said. "We have all the same classes and your locker is right next to mine. Just follow me."

I handed him back his schedule and smiled. He smiled back and I led him into the school. Isaac was sat next to me in every class. He looked a little confused because I was always surrounded by empty desks except for Math where Scott and Stiles sat with me. Lunch was right after Math and Isaac followed me to our lockers as we silently got our stuff tucked in and ready for the next class. I grabbed my phone from my bag and led Isaac to the cafeteria. He kept getting pulled away from me so I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the cafeteria. I led him over to my table which is always empty and sat down. I let go of his hand and he moved around the table and sat in front of me. We started messing around on our phones as we waited for lunch to start. I glanced up from my phone and looked around the cafeteria, my eyes landing on some seniors picking on a freshman. Overcome with rage, I stood up, slid my phone into my back pocket, and bolted over to them.

"Hey!" I shouted when I reached them. They all looked at me like I was insane. "Leave him alone. He never did anything to you."

The biggest guy let go of the freshman and his friends took him as he walked up and stood in front of me.

"And what makes you think that I will listen to you?" He hissed. "You're just some spoiled princess with no friends who decided to be stupid."

Before I had a chance to react, he brought his hand up and slapped me in the face then grabbed me by the throat. He tightened his grip, slightly cutting off my air flow. How nobody noticed us yet, I don't know. But I wasn't going to give up that easily.

"Wow, how shallow." I choked out. "Bullying a freshman, I'm not surprised. But a McCall, you must have a death wish."

His eyes widened in realization and he instantly dropped me. Normal humans know the name McCall as the popular jock. Werewolves know him as the true alpha who would do anything for his pack. I stood there, gasping for breath as they threw the other freshman on the ground and left. I helped the kid up.

"Thanks." He said.

"No problem." I said, trying to smile but failing because of the slight pain in my face. "I'm Amber. Come sit with me and my friend. Don't worry, we're freshmen too." He smiled at me and we walked over to Isaac.

We got to the table and saw that Isaac was freaking out about us because he saw everything that happened. After convincing him that we were both fine, I introduced Isaac and Liam to each other and we sat down across from Isaac. That's when I realized that lunch was just now starting and that's why nobody saw what just happened. I saw Scott walk in with his many friends and I turned around, hiding my face in my hair as they sat at their table and started eating. Isaac and Liam started eating too and I smiled when I heard them chatting and getting to know each other. About halfway through lunch, my phone was ripped out of my hands. I looked up and glared at Liam, who had taken my phone and was holding it out of my reach. My glare turned into an amused smirk as he and Isaac smirked at me. Isaac had moved around and sat on my other side for some reason.

"Give it back Liam." I said slowly as I tried not to laugh.

"Make me." He said, laughing. 

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