*8746 sent a photo*

8 - [that's what's weird. . .]

Rose, I heard you were moving back to Paris. Well, when you get back, your mother will be waiting for you with a note. I want you to follow this note's directions and do exactly what it says. I would do it myself, but I'm afraid I won't be around to do so. Don't ask.

- Marinette


A - (that's Marinette's handwriting.)

A - (you knew Marinette?)

8 - [Marinette and I were best friends since we were young. Unfortunately, I had to move to another city because of my family, and I left with my dad while my mom stayed in Paris. I've just returned.]

8 - [she gave the note to my mother so I could receive it. My name is Rose. I'm not Marinette. Sorry to disappoint you.]

(. . .)
(. . .)
(. . .)

A - (well, do you know where Marinette might be? Anywhere?!?!?)

[. . .]
[. . .]
[. . .]
[. . .]
[. . .]
[. . .]

8 - [no.]

*8746 has left the chat*

Adrien stared at his phone, re-reading the note that the person he was texting had left the chat. It wasn't Marinette! The new info made him crawl up like a little baby as he hid his face. It wasn't Marinette.

Soon Adrien could hear little sniffs coming from his room, and it was then that he realized it was actually coming from him. Oh my goodness. He sat up, leaning his back against his bedside. Quickly he wiped away the small tears, a new fear arising inside of him. It wasn't Marinette.

His eyes then landed on the bag, which he had not checked out yet. New hope entered as he reached for the bag, and he took it and opened it, pulling out all the things that were in there; the book, the phone and the torn pieces of calendar.

He checked the calendar first. It was like a puzzle, but a very easy one, because all he had to put together were four pieces of the calendar. It didn't take long at all, and soon he was finished with it.

Adrien stared at the little words Marinette seemed to have written on the calendar. On each date she wrote down how many days there were left, which confused Adrien for a bit. Whenever a day was past, she would put a large 'x' on it. Adrien got to the middle of the calendar, right where it said, 'Today is the day." His heart dropped. It was the same day she disappeared. So Marinette really had been planning her disappearance.

Adrien was disappointed with the info he found. He didn't want it to be Marinette's doing, because then that would just show Gabriel was right. If Marinette was gone by herself, what made him so sure that she even wanted to be found. Perhaps Marinette left to start a new life.

Because He Loved Me FirstUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum