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Adrien landed on his bed, feeling not just frustrated, but terrified. He hadn't expected not to find Marinette. Where could she have gone? Adrien sat up from his bed and grabbed his phone. He didn't even get Marinette's phone number. Sighing, Adrien went on Lady-Blog, just to see if anyone caught anything and had posted any pictures. Before looking for Marinette for the 7th time, he had made a post, telling everyone who followed him that Marinette was missing. He wasn't sure if people would care, but if they knew that he cared, then they would too. At least, that's what he figured.

Nothing! No news about Marinette, no one know where she was, or where she said she was going. No one knew Marinette that well, he realized. They didn't get to learn about her, because Chloe convinced them to join her. Dang, Chloe! She was soon going to get what she really deserved.

Adrien then looked over at his notification button. There was a red dot on it, something that showed you had a new notification. Adrien clicked on it, and it brought him to a different page. He then read what his notification was: "'8746' mentioned you in her new post". Adrien wasn't surprised though. A lot of people were always mentioning him, and when he'd gotten tired of all that, he decided not to check any of these notifications anymore. But something about this message made him stop, and just stare.

8746? He didn't know anyone who used numbers as their user-names. He bit his lip, but found himself tapping on it. Once he did, it brought him to another new page, and for the next two minutes, he was reading a post. As soon as he read the first two sentences, Adrien could feel his stomach do a flip.

'Staring at the new house was like staring at an enormous monster. Its windows stared back at me like monstrous, glaring eyes carefully and patiently waiting for my next move. Even the door seemed to have eyes of its own, but as I rapidly moved closer towards it, I found out they were just tiny windows. The house had a dark and strange feeling surrounding it that only I seemed to get. Behind me, my parents and brother removed bags from the trunk of the car. 

"Are you sure about moving in to this place?" I asked for the millionth time. Everything about this house screamed danger, but my family didn't seem to get that. My family always believed in giving things a chance before judging. I judged things by the way I felt about them, and I felt that this house would be the end of us. 

"Yes," Carrying two bags on one hand and one on the other, Mom started walking towards me in an unhurried motion. "I like this house."

"You like it?" I scowled at her words, not believing that this house was a single bit appealing. Mom gave me the same answer and looked at me with pleading eyes, beseeching me to give this house a go. I shrugged as I tried to pretend my thoughts were frivolous, but there was nothing insignificant about this house. 

"Let's head inside, shall we?" Dad chortled as he slipped the keys out of his pocket and started opening the door. While he did that, I took another chance to look around the house. The frontyard looked more pleasurable than the house itself. It had two sets of swings and three flourishing green trees. I think the front yard was to fool whoever bought this house to believe that the house was going to be pleasing. It was the exact opposite of pleasing. 

"Megan?" Mom called for me, getting my attention. The front door was wide opened and Mom had a smile, trying to convince me to head inside. I hesitated at first, before I breathed in a large sum of air, and walked inside.

Now the inside of the house looked more uncomplicated to look at. Mom nudged me with her arm, giving me a nod to go look around. I bobbed my head up and down, before proceeding to see what interest this house would bring to me.

Because He Loved Me Firstحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن