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"And that's the ladies bathroom," Chloe pointed over to a door. "It's five doors away from your first class, English. You'll be having Miss. Bustier as your English teacher."

Marinette nodded along, listening to every words Chloe was telling her. Then suddenly Chloe turned around and stopped her from walking. She placed her hands on her waist and her bored look turned into sudden anger.

"Listen! I don't usually come to school this early, but my father made me do it," She started saying. "Just because your parents want us to be friends doesn't automatically make us friends, so I advise you to stay away from me in the future, because if you don't-"

"I get it, I get it. It's not like I want to be your friend either," Marinette blurted out, Chloe looking surprised by her words. "You're just a spoiled brat who thinks she deserves everything. Stop acting all mighty. It's not like you're the boss of this world!" Marinette didn't regret saying the words though. She started walking away without looking to see what Chloe's face was shaped like.

Entering the classroom, which was empty, except for the five students that had come early, Marinette searched around for a seat. She noticed a girl that had her face buried in a book. Literally. And she started walking over. Marinette tapped the girl on her back, getting her attention. "Is anyone sitting here?" She pointed at the empty seat right beside her.

"No," The girl shook her head before turning back to her book.

"Okay." Marinette took a seat right beside the girl and placed her new bag on top of the desk. The classroom was quiet for a while, before the teacher walked inside. Marinette turned around to face the girl again, thinking maybe this was the right time to make her first friend.


The girl turned around at her voice, before raising her eyebrows. "Yeah, hi."

"Um," Now she didn't know what to say, but the girl didn't look like she wanted to talk either. Instead she focused her eyes on her book, not caring about what happened around her. Marinette turned her body around. "What book is that?"

This time the girl didn't look up. "A book I got from the library."

"Haha, funny," Marinette cracked a smile. "I meant the title."

"Why, do you want it?"

"Well no, I was just trying to. . .start a conversation between us," Marinette muttered, before clearing her throat. "I'm Marinette by the way. I'm new."

"Yeah, I know you're new. I would say nice to meet you, but that wouldn't technically be the truth."

Marinette was a little shocked from the girl's rudeness. Was everyone in this school just like Chloe? Had Chloe changed them to become like her? The thought alone terrified her.

"I saw you walking out of Chloe's limo," The girl suddenly spoke up again, "and I saw you walking inside the school with Chloe. Are you perhaps close to her in any way?"

"No, are you kidding me? I kinda hate that girl."

"Are you just saying that because you're trying to ruin me?"

Marinette frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Are you pretending to be innocent?"

"What, no! I don't know what you're saying. I'm completely new both in school and in Paris." Marinette looked away. Maybe befriending this girl wasn't such a good idea.

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