"Actually, having you here is perfect," Rias said catching everyone's attention. "It's about time to introduce the newest member to my Peerage," everyone looked confused as she looked at the door. "You can come in now."

The doors opened to reveal none other than Xenovia Quarta wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform. "Xenovia!" Issei cried out.

"We meet again, Red Dragon Emperor," the blue-haired girl greeted.

"You become a Devil?" Yugo asked. As a response, Xenovia let out a pair of Devil wings, which was answer enough. "That's a twist. I didn't expect it out of you."

"They banished you from the church for knowing the truth about God, didn't they," Yuto stated rather than asked, already knowing the answer.

Xenovia looked at the ground in sadness. "That's right. It was shocking how their looks suddenly changed. So, I gave the Excalibur pieces to Irina and she took them back to the church," she explained.

"How did she take it?" Yugo asked knowing that the goodbye between those two couldn't have been peaceful.

The hurt in Xenovia's eyes became more apparent. "She… didn't take it well. She doesn't know why I was banished, or why I became a Devil. I simply couldn't tell her about God's death and give her the same fate."

"You did the right thing," when everyone saw Judai's eyes turn gold they knew that Haou was the one currently talking. "Her faith was too strong for her own good, it would not have ended well should she have found out the truth from you," the Supreme King saw strong believers like Irina learn the truth the harsh way before. The best thing that could have happened to her was to go into denial and the worst… well, it would have been far more mentally damaging.

Those words might not have lifted the pain from her chest, but it did help to ease Xenovia's conscience a little. "Thank you," she said in gratitude before turning towards Asia. "And, Asia Argentino, I would like to apologize," Xenovia bowed slightly. "With God dead, the redemption I sought wasn't there, and that means that I threatened your life for nothing. You may hit me if you desire, and I won't do anything back."

The blonde Bishop looked taken back before she quickly shook her head. "Oh, please don't do that. I'm quite happy with my new life," she said before glancing at Issei. "I get to make many friends. And live happily with Issei," the Red Emperor blushed at her words and looked away while scratching his head. "President says that a Peerage is like family, and you're part of this family now. So, if you have anything to ask, please don't hesitate to come to me."

Xenovia was truly surprised by the kindness that Asia was currently offering to her. She had been prepared for any kind of verbal or physical abuse that the blonde girl would have dished out, mainly because she believed that she deserves it. But, Asia did the opposite. Even Haou and the four brothers were impressed with how innocent Asia's soul was.

In fact, Haou didn't doubt for a second that if God… that if Yhwch was still alive, he would have been nothing short of proud of Asia, and turned her to a seraphim right then and there… that old man was always kind, and loved such kindness… and Haou knew that for a fact.

"Yeah! That's the idea!" seeing the brown eyes replace the golden ones, they knew it was Judai speaking. "We should really just be friends! There's no reason to fight!"

After a couple of seconds to finally get her bearings back, Xenovia smiled at Asia. "Then, perhaps you don't mind showing me around the academy?" she asked hopefully.

Asia's smile widened if possible. "Of course, we could do it whenever you want," The others smiled at seeing how Asia seemed to just keep shining with more innocence.

DXD: Reign of Supreme King (Up For Adoption.)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα