Chapter 4: Death 13 (time to MURA)

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Next day

(Y/n) pov

I already pack my beg so now need to but flight ticket to U.S until.....

"(Y/n) wait up i'll accompany you to airport today" Avita jog toward me

"Please walk a little further from me" i said while make a distance between us.

"Not nice to talk like that to your important guess "


"What IDC??"

"I Don't care with your stupid dodo brain here..."

"Hmmmph fine..... I don't care eaither "

"Hei (y/n).....did your stand have a name yet???"

What on the earth that she care about!!!! Stupid dodo.

"Still not name it yet" i answer with glare.

"Welll if that sooooo......"

She pull my hand to the cafe. We got in there and she order a coffee latte while i order black coffee. We give our name and take a place to sit.

"Now" she pull out tarot card shuffle the card then set it on the table.

"What?" i ask with furious.

"Choose randome card please...". She say with annoyed voice.

I take one tarot card that near me. Before i could open it she slamp her hand on mine.

"Don't you dare...only i could open it."

"Tch...whatever....not important anyway"

Sir here your black coffee and latte did you need any things else?

"No.. That'll thanks for the coffee".

She smile and say. "Your welcome sir" .

"He's really cool i forgot to ask his number". I hear a murmuring from that women with her friend.

"Tch pethetic" Avita said while take a sip from her latte.

"Ok now your card was the moon represent as unconscious , illusion,intuition,confuse,fear and demisinterpretation.

Uprising :
*(unconscious )when you lose unconscious the deeps energy from your soul will reveal to support the defense and to attack from close range ,
*(illusion) body movement will againts mind thinking to lied enemy.
*(intuition) the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning.

*confuse in situatiom ,
*fear from lack of power  *misinterpretation of enemy abilities.

"Soo now do you want me to name it or you do it".


"Anyone please help.....this man fell from sixth floor building".

Man with brown skin shouted and run toward me

"Sir please i don't know what to do i'm just a newbie here."

" 911 right now idiot"

People gather to see what happend.

"What happend"
"How did he fell"
"Did someone push him"

I touch his hand to find pulse but it was to weak. I need to heal him with ripple's atleast 60% healing. I'm hold his wound keep concentrate and clear my mind. Small light and spark appear from my palm as i heal his wound. That will keep him alive for a while before ambulance coming.

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