Part 15

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Aki slowly opened his eyes and was met by a ceiling. He was inside some sort of room. "Where the hell am I?" Aki asked himself as he slowly rose from the bed. He then heard the whisperers of some people from the door. "Look he's awake" , "He seems hot" 

Aki slowly looked at the door and instantly someones head popped away from his view. He could hear as a group of around 3 people ran down the hall. Aki looked over himself seeing all he had on was his pants, the rest of his body was covered in bandages. 

He slowly stood up and walked to the door. He felt like his mana levels were back to normal, how long was he passed out? 

Aki slowly opened the door to be met with a pillar.  "Who the hell places a room in such a location. Suddenly the place shifted so the pillar is on the other side of the hall. "Ok.......that's weird." Aki said but shrugged it off and started walking down the hallway where he heard people talking. 

"Is he awake?" A man asked. "Yeah he just woke up" A young sounding girl said. The man threw her a cupcake before she disappeared. Aki slowly walked into the light, A tall buff man stood in front of him. "So your that squirts friend?" The man asked looking down at Aki. 

"Who's?" Aki asked. Out of nowhere came Asta around a corner with a bucket of soap water. "CAPTAIN YAMI !! I CLEANED THE HALLWAYS WITH MY TOOTHBRUSH AS YOU COMMANDED!" Asta shouted nearly Yami and AKi's ears off. 

"All right, quiet down" Yami said grabbing Asta by his head. "Have you gave the dog food?" Yami asked. Asta slightly shrunk a bit before saluting Yami. "Yes sir!" He yelled before disappearing down the hall. 

Aki was left in silence as he stared at the hallway Asta disappeared down. Suddenly his head popped around the corner. "Hay Aki-Chan!" He said waving before disappearing once again. 

Yami went to a nearby table and leaned against it. " joined the golden dawn right? Where is your cloak?" Yami asked as he lit a cigarette. 

Aki felt some fury burn up inside before he answered. "I was kicked out for not following proper procedures during a emergency. I apparently placed the lives of some civilians in danger by using an explosive type spell in the air. So they kicked me out and some knights are tracking me down for illegal magic use"  

Yami nodded as he let out a puff of his cigarette. He turned slightly behind him and grabbed a black cloak, throwing it into Aki's hands. "Become a Black bull. We are the worst of the worst and honestly, we received a letter reporting about that incident. You flew up to not damage any surroundings as you dealt with the bandit. Nice job. This place is not as flashy or grand as the Golden dawn but it is at least a place to be and you cant run forever from the magic knights now can you" Yami said as he slowly walked away. 

"Wait is this a request or a command to join the squad?" Aki asked looking at the cloak. Yami simply gave off a shrug as he disappeared through a door. 

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Journey to become the Magic Emperor (Black clover fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang