Part 14

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Aki has been training on his own for over a week now and is currently flying to another place to stay where knights wont track him down for illegal magic use. As he flew over a small village he noticed a magic mist covering a whole village. 

"Strange...darnit the magic knights are on my trail but...I have to check this out" Aki said cursing himself as he flew down seeing a group of civilians being shielded by a huge water dome but it was vissible that whoever the magic caster was, was having trouble to keep it up from a barrage if ice spikes. "Might as well help, Dark creation magic : Dark shield!" 

A few shields created of dark magic surrounded the bubble, enforcing it from the attacks. "Light rush!" Aki shouted as he teleported into the bubble. "Finally after two hours you guys show up" A man with grey and black spiky hair said as he turned to Aki, seeing no cloak. "Who are you?" 

"Joke's on you! Cause I don't have a single drop of magic!" The familiar shouts of someone sounded as a black blur shot through the water dome, striking down someone from outside. "Oh no" Aki said as he recognized the voice. 

"It does not matter who I am, what is going on here?" Aki asked the strange punk guy. "Your right, we came to this village with a job but noticed these strange guys with cloaks were attacking the village. My pal Asta is fighting but-" Suddenly a massive Ice glasure launched up, stabbing Asta. 

"Got it, Light burst!" Aki shouted as he lit up like a beacon and in a flash appear outside, gripping a guy with a weird scar by his neck, plunging into the ground. "No master!" Some other men yelled, taking out there grimoire's. A wave of light swords suddenly appear above Aki's back, pointing directly to them. 

Suddenly Aki was launched off the guy with some sort of Ice pillar, launching him back onto the ground, next to Asta. 

"Sleep little fools...there is tremendous power behind these defensive spells, I wonder-" 

"I'm not done yet!" Asta yelled out as he appeared behind the man, about to slice off his head but was merely launched away by another ice spike. "So that last attack did not kill you? Your a tough one but your wounds will kill you soon" The man said as Asta rushed to him again but was stabbed once more. "I'm not done!" Asta shouted as he slowly rose back up. 

Aki suddenly arrived behind the man, sending a dark slash towards his neck but he easily dodged it as well. The man sent a kick to Aki but his speed was too great allowing Aki to trip him over onto the ground. 

Another ice pillar attacked and this one stabbed Aki through his stomach causing his light burst spell to shut down, revealing to Asta who he was fighting with.  "You both don't stand a chance against me, why not accept that and give up?"

"If we give up now then who will protect them? Sooner or later I will become the Magic emperor but its not just about a promise, its about keeping people safe." Asta said lifting his sword back up. "You think you will become the Magic emperor? what a odd dream" 

"No, I'll become the Magic emperor and no one will stop me" Aki shouted with his light burst spell activating again, going brighter than ever before. His grimoire opened up as a new spell formed. "Dark creation magic :Demonic katana" Aki shouted as a long dark blade formed in his hand. "Lets go Aki!" Asta shouted as both of them rushed to the man. 

He tried to use his ice magic to block but both blades easily sliced through it shocking him. In a mere second the man was stabbed. "hahahaha you think this is enough to take me down?!" 

"Flame magic: Prison death scatter shot!" The punk man yelled as he threw some sort of fire ball that duplicated at the man. "Dark shield!" Aki shouted as both him and Asta were protected from the flame. 

The man was scorched and passed out as he slided onto the ground. Flaming bars surrounded him, covering him in some sort of chain. Aki turned to the man's friends seeing them all covered in the same flame magic that came from the punk. One of them got away though. 

The water dome suddenly fell down as the caster lost control. Aki saw it was safe and closed down his dark shields as well while Asta was holding his sword over the strange man. Aki slowly deactivated all is current spells as he fell unconscious from low manna. . . maybe a week without proper rest was not a good idea.  

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