Part 12

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Captain William soon arrived at the village, just moments after Aki crashed into the wall. "Aki stop messing around, go and help citizens from the west, I'll handle from the east" William shouted while ruing across the roof tops. 

Aki quickly jumped out of the wall and quickly ran to the screams of the citizens. A group of them were surrounded by some bandits. "Like we told you, our boss wants all your valuables and grimoire's." A big man said with some cloth covering his face. 

"Please sir, this is a poor town. We do not have anything to give you and grimoire's are weak. Please leave this peaceful village" An old man pleaded while on his knees. One of the bandits then shot the man with a powerful heat beam, killing him on the spot. 

"Does anyone else want to stand against us?" 
All the people then shut up and the women held there children tightly against them. "Hay your too loud" Aki said from behind the group as he pushed his hair behind his ear. "I thought you guys got everyone, ugh fine ill do it myself. Little girl come join the people or else we'll hurt you" The main bandit said with his grimoire open. 

Suddenly out of nowhere the sky turned black as coal and the ground shook for some reason. "Dark creation magic: Dark lord's wrath" Aki shouted above the thunder as a entire armored arm broke out of the ground behind Aki. The arm grabbed a group of bandits, throwing them against the ground so hard that it cracked more. With the help of the dark arm, Aki used his light swords to take care of the weaker bandits. Finally the main bandit was left. He quickly grabbed a young girl, holding a small dagger laced with poison against her neck.  

The dark arm shrunk back into the ground as Aki looked seriously at the man. "You don't want to do that." 

"I have poison magic which will make anything I touch become poisons. And seeing your on the ground" Suddenly the man used his magic to cause a purple like poison to form underneath Aki. "Light creation magic: Light rush burst" 

Aki's body glowed like a heavenly angle as the poison disintegrated by the heat that emitted off him. He was like a beacon that could be seen across 3 country's. The man closed his eyes because of the bright light but that is where he made his biggest mistake. 

Aki instantly appeared in front of him, the girl was back with the other villagers while he was held up by the neck. Aki then said in a dark voice "Your scum" before flying up into the sky, he held the guy by the neck and once he was high enough in the air, he forced magic into his body, disintegrated it down to the smallest atom. 

Aki then suddenly felt the strain from all the magic he used and slowly fell to the ground but was luckily caught by Captain Williams tree branch. 

Aki's clothes were scorched while his body seemed perfectly clean. "Your growing too fast....maybe your nor right for this squad" 

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