25. Blue

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Warning! This story contains mature and explicit scenes within a same-sex relationship. If you are not comfortable with LGBT stories, mature and graphic scenes, do not read this story.

Disclaimer! I do not own Percy Jackson or any characters affiliated with the author, Rick Riordan.

Enjoy the story!*

Enjoy the story!*

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My favourite colour has always been blue—specifically sky blue. Seeing Time Square's lights bounce off Jason's sky blue eyes just affirmed my preference tenfold. It was stunning, seeing his eyes sparkle like gemstones.

"What?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean, what?"

"You're staring, weirdo," he rolled his eyes at me, those beautiful eyes.

"Of course, I'm staring," I shrugged. "You're breathtakingly beautiful."

"Are you dying?" 

"Why can't I tell my boyfriend how beautiful he is?"

"I'm nowhere as beautiful as you, though." I leaned in to give him a peck on the lips.

"The two of you are nauseatingly cute," my mother quipped from behind us, mouth full of hotdog. 

"You didn't have to come along," I mumbled.

"I already gave you all morning. I'm spending tonight with my son."

"That, and Paul is busy chaperoning a dance tonight, and you don't want to be alone." My mother feigned offence, but we both knew it was true. I was the same, frankly. I hated being alone. 

Luckily, Mum and I always had each other, so we didn't get too lonely. Of course, some people said we were too close. One asshole had once implied that I was fucking my mother. He lost a few teeth, and no one dared say anything about my relationship with my mother ever again. Not to my face, anyway.

"Why didn't you join him?" Jason asked. Coming from anyone else, it might have sounded like a jab, a hint to be left alone. Coming from Jason, though, with his innocent smile and eyes holding genuine interest, it was an honest question.

"Well, I felt like it was to soon to announce the relationship so openly..."  she answered, not quite making eye contact.

"Not to mention, you need a bit of a break from kids for a while." My mother slapped my shoulder in outrage.

"Perseus!" she scolded, annunciating each syllable very clearly.

"What? You just got me and all my friends out of the house. Are you seriously telling me you're not enjoying the peace?" Mum had the decency to look a little sheepish. 

"You weren't that bad," she said, burrowing into my side. "I miss some things." 

"Mum, I blew up a school bus by shooting it with a Revolutionary War cannon."

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