24. Brooklyn

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Warning! This story contains mature and explicit scenes within a same-sex relationship. If you are not comfortable with LGBT stories, mature and graphic scenes, do not read this story.

Disclaimer! I do not own Percy Jackson or any characters affiliated with the author, Rick Riordan.

Enjoy the story!*

The ferry glided through the water, making the water churn around the hull

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The ferry glided through the water, making the water churn around the hull. I watched as each swirl made a little whirlpool. One could almost imagine the river trying to swallow the monstrosity disturbing its tranquillity. The icy breeze somehow cut right through my scarf, chilling me to my core. A shiver ran down my spine. Percy merely chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me into his chest as he leaned back against the railing.

"Why can't we go in?" I asked, eyeing the other passengers huddled up together for warmth inside the ferry's cabin.

"How do you expect to get a good view of the city if you're in a box?" he asked with a quirked eyebrow. "I promised you a proper view of the Brooklyn Bridge. Therefore, we need to be out on the deck."

"But its cold," I whined.

"I recall I also promised to keep you warm," Percy smirked at me before he dipped his head into the crook of my neck, warming me with his hot breath. My eyes shot around the sparsely populated deck to see whether someone could see us.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I made eye contact with two teenage girls. They smiled at us like they thought we were the cutest thing on earth. Once again, I was pushed out of my comfort zone. I was raised to consider public displays of affection as a sacrilege. Not that I regretted the action. I've never regretted anything Percy's introduced me to. I immensely enjoyed it, to be honest. The carefree way Percy just took my hand, or pulled me into his arms, made me feel better, made me feel safer.

Percy placed an open-mouthed kiss on my neck, sending shivers down my spine for a whole different reason. I was pulled even closer, my leg comfortably slotting in between his. I bit my lip as his teeth grazed my jaw.

"Maybe we shouldn't flaunt it so openly," I whispered, and Percy groaned. "I know my dad knows, but I told him we're only going public next week. He needs time for a press conference and everything."

"Fine," he grumbled, loosening his grip on me slightly. I found it promising that he didn't let go of me completely. He might have been upset, but he understood. "It's just been a while."

"I know," I said, feeling my cheeks heat up at the mere thought of my spectacular failures. "For what it's worth, I really am sorry for withholding sex...and for last night. I wasn't thinking."

"It wasn't your fault, Jase. Don't apologise." He ran his fingers through my hair with a relaxed smile.

"If you don't mind me asking, has that happened before?"

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