Needle Tricks :Twenty-Eight

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"We opened the steel crate you brought in, " She glanced over to the taller spy behind her and he went off to the table beside them, picking up the steel crate and setting down next to Dr. McEntire. She reached into the opened crate and pulled out a large pink teddy bear. "--This is what we found. . . A stuffed toy."

"It was a trick, " Walter said. "Alice lured us in. . . The task said it was an explosive."

"It doesn't matter, you arrived late to bring me a stuffed animal, Beckett. And you brought more trouble with you. What are we supposed to do with two Hunters? What if they bring in more? So many people have died, why not call?"

Walter's foot thumped rapidly on the floor; she was talking so calmly yet it made him feel more stressed. "I.. Didn't think it would take us this long to get here. . . You see-- we had to stay over at a party--"

"There's another thing, " she pointed out.

"We can't just leave Lance there!"

"All planes that were previously going to California have landed elsewhere and all flights have been canceled because of what's happening. But we won't be flying you, Beckett. I don't want you on this mission, at all, " she told him.

Walter took a couple of sips from the wine here and there. "Lance needs me. . . I need to find him."

"No, " she said. "You need him, Beckett. Without Lance, I see you hurt and fleeing, I see another attack. It can't just be Walter Beckett. . . Not alone anyway."

". . . " Walter glared at her, a pique taste lingering. "Are you saying I'm not qualified for this sort of mission?"

McEntire took the wine cup from him and poured more, but Walter didn't accept it, he pushed it back towards her. "I'm one of your top-ranked spies! How am I not qualified!?"

The women sighed. "You're top rank indeed. One of our best spies. You surpassed many so fast, it's almost unbelievable how much you've improved over the three years."


"But--this was from the help of Sterling. . . Without Lance you. . ." She hesitated.

"Go on. . ." Walter leaned in with angry and teary eyes. Something that you rarely see from him; It made him tower. "Go on Dr. McEntire! Say it! Say that I'm nothing without Lance! That's what you're trying to get at, right?" He was so sick of people telling him that!

D.J. Walked in just then, but as soon as he saw Walter's face and heard his tone of voice, he rushed back out of the room.

"I'm not trying to anger you, Beckett. Dr. Timmph and I have been talking. . . We think you should take a break, " Dr. McEntire said.

"A break. . . And who's going to be the one to take the task of finding Lance?" Walter asked, his voice sour and irate.

"We have not decided."

"I would like to speak with Dr. Timmph."

"I'll let him know when I see him, " she said. "But after today, I do not want you to pick up any new missions, nor do I want you traveling anywhere. If you do so, your ID will be taken from the Agency permanently. You may use the simulation rooms as training but if I catch you playing around I will not have you come back until January. Do you understand?"

". . . Yes, ma'am, " Walter uttered. He sulked as he walked, with heavy feet out the door.


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