Fight For Life

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Okay so I have a new phone xD

Nami p.o.v

  My arms screamed in pain as I hanged from the root thingy. I looked down at the fight happening below my body. I could feel my hands slipping a bit.

    "Hurry up Luffy" I whispered as my hands slipped more. I don't know how much longer I could hold on.

    Luffy p.o.v

  He was fast and smart. When I hit with one attack he used it against me. It was like fighting a reflection. I needed to hurry up and win this. Nami was slipping due to the fear leaking off her.

  Turning my head I narrowed my eyes at my opponent as he tossed a flying fist at me. Deflecting I tossed the same attack back, but he dodge it. Closing my eyes I let my senses take over.

   Biting my thumb I felt my body heat up as steam poured off my skin. Opening my eyes I twisted up my arm before letting it fly. The fake me try to dodge, but I hit him in the gut. He let out a 'ooff' before flying backwards into Sanji. The force of hit made the roots holding Sanji break. Once he was free he lit his leg up in fire before kicking the fake me up in the air. When he landed I was shock to what I saw. Cracks began to appear over his body from our hits.

  The body faded and began to take a new form all a sudden. A bright light erupted before a new person stood in front of us. It was Nami!

   A fake Nami smirked at us as she snapped her fingers. I heard the real Nami squeak as a light erupted around her. Then she was down beside the take one.

  The fake Nami grabbed the real Nami hand and began to spin them in circles. They stopped and swayed a bit. "Which is the real one" Sanji asked me starring at the two.

   Nami p.o.v

   "I'm the real one" the fake me said. Who the hell does this bitch think she is?

  "Don't believe that imposter" I growled out sending her a glare.

   "Oh great things couldn't get worst" Sanji mutter.

   I grabbed the fake me and pushed her down. "Stop acting like me. You'll have to pay me to act as me" I hissed. She got up and pushed me backwards.

   "Stopping acting like me! You have to pay for acting like me" she said smirking.

   I grabbed my perfect climact tack and pieced it together. She did the same before swinging at me. I dodge and twirled mine around releasing a mist.

  Just trust me guys! It surrounded the whole area making everyone disappear.

   Luffy p.o.v

   The Nami's began to fight as we stood to see who will win. Soon one Nami pieced together her weapon then the other. One began to twirl there's as a mist erupted. It surrounded everywhere making it hard to see. I lost Sanji and both Nami. I began to walk as I used my haki to sense one of them. It was one of the Nami's. 

   "Luffy" she asked as I got closer. How do I know this is the real one? The fake me knew everything about me, so the fake Nami knows about Nami.

   "Prove that your the real Nami" I stated with a serious voice.

  "Can't you tell?" She asked with a sweet voice.

  "No"I replied. I can't trust her unless I know for sure.

  "Oh Luffy I wished you could believe me" she whispered before stepping closer to me. I stepped back but she grabbed my wrist.

  "Don't leave me Luffy" she said again starring at me with her brown eyes. Oh kami this was very very bad!


Love Is Nothing But A Dream(LuNa Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz