Let Me Care For You

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Nami p.o.v

"I'll carry you" Luffy said. I looked up at him dispite the pain I was in. "I guess" I muttered. When he said he would carry me I thought piggy back but he picked me up bridal style. I knew my face was red due to the contact. His warm skin was against my skin. I wrapped a arm around his neck for extra support. My ankle was still hurting. The best thing we can do is hope we run across Chopper soon.

The pain was becoming unbearble. I needed to change my thoughts off the pain. I laid my head against Luffy chest. He didn't mind at all I guess. I closed my eyes listening to his heart beat. It was calm and normal where mine is probably all over the place. I open my eyes slightly to see the leaves of the trees we passed. Overall this place was extremely pretty minus the dangers.

In my head I'm wondering what could have caused the mutation to the plants, or were they simply born that way on this island. "Your thinking to hard" Luffy said. I open my eyes all the way then. "How did you know" I asked. "Your facial expression" he answered.

Okay he gone for two years and becomes creepy. He slightly frowned after that statement. Can he read my thoughts!! Luffy stopped and looked around and sat me on the ground with my back against the trunk. "Stay here" he said.

Does he honestly think I'm going to stay here when he going gods now where. "Just trust me" he added before running off. I curled my body closer to the trunk. My ankle was long gone from pain. Instead it was filled with nothing. I can't put pressure because it feels like nothing was there.

I felt a weird feeling wash over me. I turned my head to see a bug. It was creepy and from our past run ins I staid away. It began to play this melody that was soothing. I nearly fell asleep if it wasn't for a furry animal turning my head towards them.

Chopper p.o.v

Nami nearly fell for that endless trap of sleep. I quickly turned her head towards me and began to shake it. Luffy had manage to hear me and found me a while ago. He explained what had happen to Nami.

Luffy stepped up to where I was. "What's wrong with her" he asked. "She falling for that melody. It will make her sleep for a thousand of years" I answered him in a shaky voice. Before I knew it Luffy was leaning down next to Nami and placing his hat on her head. What I don't get is why only Nami gets to where his hat. I think Robin told me once that is was because Luffy had feelings for Nami. A stronger one aside from everyone else on the crew. 

"Nami its time to wake up" Luffy said. Nami breathe began to slow down a bit. "Luffy we need to act quick" I said in a panicked voice. 

Luffy p.o.v

Chopper was panicking about Nami situation. I began to freak out as well. I mean yes I do care for Nami and yes I do have deep feelings for her, but I'm afraid to let her near because I don't want what happen with Ace to happen to her.

I forrowed my eyesbrows trying to think of how to wake Nami up. Before I knew it my body acted on its own as I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. Oh her lips were so soft and plump and tasted like tangerines. 

Nami body bolted upwards in a startle. I landed on my butt. My hat laid in her lap at the moment. Chopper quickly began to work on her. Nami let out a squeak of pain as chopper touched her ankle.

I moved beside him and took my hat and placed it on her head. "Let me care for you" I said. Her face turned red and I couldn't help the smirk that appeared on my face. 

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