Time Will Tell

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Okay everyone this is my One Piece fanfic. It's a LuffyxNami one plus a little ZoroxRobin. Please vote and comment!!!!


Nami p.o.v

It was good being back on the Thousand Sunny. Each day a part from my crew was hard. I missed seeing the idiot captin, Usopp, and Chopper play around again on the deck of the Sunny. Franky and Brooke would sit around talking about the things they've seen or done. Robin would lounge around reading new books she has discovered. I would sit about making new maps each one made with careful percision. Sanji as usual made me and Robin the most finest of meals, and Zoro taking his naps in th emost strange of places.

I hope nothing changes on this little trip of ours, but I can't shake the feeling that something this good will last. "Nami-swan would you like to try my special dessert" Sanji voice yelled from across the deck. "Sure" I answered with a smile. At his cue to move the cook came running over with hearts in his eyes. 

He handed me a plate with the most deloiuse looking cake on it. "It's my special double fudge ice cream cake with hard shell chocolate on top" Sanji said after handing me the plate. I sat up on the chair I was occuping and sat the plate inbetween my legs.

I cut a piece with the spoon and brought it up to my mouth. Once it hit my mouth I let out a squeal of delight. "This is really good" I said to him as I placed another piece into my mouth. I never thought I would taste something so rich in flavor. All the sugary goodness going into my mouth made me want more. This was a addicting cake and I think I am hooked. 

Of course since this involved food a certin bottomless pit appeared. "SANJI I WANT SOME" he yelled. Sanji bit down on his cigerret and turn to the rubber boy with a angry glare. "You don't get none" Sanji said with a glare. 

I stopped mid bite pondering to what I should do. For once since the times we have been together I saw Luffy with a serious face. I guess he changed from his childish self through the two year seperation. 

"Sanji I am the captin and I want some of that cake" he said slowly. Sanji and the rest of the crew looked stunned to his sudden change of mood. "What the.."Sanji began but this time I inturpted. "That cake is going to half to wait. There's a storm coming this way" I said standing up looking before us. 

This storm felt like a big one. "It's going to be a big one" I muttered so they all could hear. 

People scattered everywhere readying theirselves and the ship. Franky barked orders to what to do. I stood beside him ready to help guide the ship through the storm. Robin, Brooke, and Chopper were sercured with soem ropes. Luffy insisted that he didn't need them. 

In seconds the ship was hit with massive waves. I grabbed onto the railing to steady myself. "Nami I need orders" Franky yelled over the winds. I looked up trying to see past the raint hat had poured down. "Keep going straight. We will half to ride this storm out. It's to wide to try and get out" I yelled to him. 

Franky understood what I was saying. When you face a storm that is huge you ride it out. If it would have been a small one then we would have been able to move to the sides and get out and go around the storm. 

A huge tidal wave hit the ship. Zoro and Sanji were thrown against the railing on the side. Luffy still had a firm grip to the main mast. A cold shiver crossed my back. I turn and open my mouth in shocked. Franky notice this and turn to. His face held fear. A huge wave twice the size of The Sunny was making its way towards us.

"Hold one everyone this one is a big one" Franky yelled. I wrapped my arms around the railing from uptop as good as I could. Once it hit the boat everything went into chaos. The ropes snapped sending the devil fruit users out into the water. Zoro went after Chopper and Robin while Sanji had Brooke. My eyes caught a sight of red. Luffy had let go of the mast do to the sea water. I ran to the side and jumped in.

The water was cold and numbed my body. I pushed harder till I had Luffy vest in my hands. I heaved him up and out of the water. Waves tumbled over us. I had a hard time keeping both of us up. The ship was being pushed towards a island. Wait Island! 

I begin to paddle use towards the island. Luffy body was getting heavier every second we were in the water. The slow breathes of hot air on my neck let me know that he was still alive. When I thought we were out of danger a wave hit us. We both went under the water again. I still kept my grip on Luffy. I got us up and dragged his body to the shore. 

Once I was sure the waves couldn't touch us I let him fall to the ground. My legs felt like jelly so I fell beside him on my knees.

I was panting out breathes of air. Not long after Luffy sat up chucking out water. Tons of it streamed from him. I pushed my wet long hair back and sat back on my legs. Looking around I notice there was nothing but forest.

"Ugh" Luffy groaned laying back on the sand. "Are you okay" I asked. I knew that he be weak at the moment due to the sea water. "I'll be fine" he whispered with eyes closed.

I check to make sure my climact tact was still strapped to my hip. I was relieved when I saw the three pieces there. I stood up on wobbly legs. I didn't like the ideal of being here in the open.

I don't think I remember seeing this island on any maps. "Can you walk" I asked Luffy looking down at him. He cracked one eye open to my question. He manage to get up but swayed. I grabbed him making him swing one arm around me. My other arm wrapped around his warm damped skin.

I began to walk us to the forest. The best thig is to get out of the opening and into the forest. If I need to battle monsters or such I would.

At first everything seemed normal. To me the forest was beautiful. Then we hit the plants and flowers. There were ones I'd never seen in my life before. There were big greens ones that gave me the creeps the most. I made sure to stay clear of them.

I couldn't shake the feeling that these plants were weird. After awhile I stop due to the heat and how tired I was.

I sat Luffy down who had gotten most of his coloring back. I say in a hour he would be good to go. I sat across from him and took my shirt off. I was glad I wore my bikini top and bottom. I left my shorts on tho. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail just to keep it off my neck.

The sun was pouring in. The heat was untolarable. I swore the sweat coming off me was steaming. Luffy moved and open his eyes. His face held seriouness. He flipped his hat up on his head before settinf his elbows on his knees.

"Where are we" he asked. "Some Island in some type of forest" I answered him. A snapping sound made me turn around. A little weird creature came out. Its snowy fur was beautiful. I was thinkig of keepig it, but it hissed at us. Then it grew to a huge ass monster.

Its claw began to swip at me but a rubber arn wrapped around my waist pulling me smack into Luffy waste. "Gum Gum Gateling Gun" Luffy yelled facing his attack to the creature. The thing flew through the air.

"Come on we need to find the others" He said pushing me away a little. I nodded and walked beside him into the forest even more.


So should I continue this story?

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