The Fluffy Terrors part 3

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I'm determined to finish this! The last two chapters kind of messed me up, but I'll try my best to straighten up. Anyone else's wattpad app on there phone glitching a lot?

Nami p.o.v

My heart began to go in a frenzy as I willed my eyes to adjust to the darkness. My eyes fought against me as I stood still in the eerie silence and darkness.

"Luffy! Sanji!" I called out. In honest truth I didn't want to call since I feared what these 'Fluffy Terrors' were. Neither one answered and that made me panick. I was about to start running to try to get one of their attention when I felt something warm touch my shoulder.

Instead of freezing I turned and punched whatever was touching me. There was a heavy thump and a groan. The groan sounded awfully familiar, so I stood still once more.

"Gosh Nami why you hit me" Luffy voice cracked the silence. At first I was relieved but the anger towards him nearly giving me a heart attack bled through.


I could sense him getting up as he grabbed a hold of my arm. "Sorry Nami I didn't mean to do that" he apologized.

I was about to accept when I felt something fury run past my legs. My mouth open sightly I began to look around to try to see a black spot moving about.

"Nami don't move" Luffy said with no joking tone. GREAT NOW I'M EVEN MORE SCARED THEN BEFORE!

Not questioning him I stood perfectly still. Well until I felt something wet drip on my shoulder.

"What the..." I began but I was tugged by Luffy to the other side of him as something sharp nearly cut me.

I heard Sanji mutter curses from the other side. The lights appeared once more as I was face to face with a huge creature. It was huge with white fur. Its eyes were blood red and it had silver daggers as claws . The weird thing was that it looked like a huge bunny. As it open it mouth I nearly fainted. Instead of buck teeth it had rows of razor sharp teeth like a shark.  It turned slightly lashing a nearly tail out. It was long and spiked up.

"Don't let the fur touch you. There razor sharp even though its fur" Sanji yelled dodging a claw. One minute it was in front of me but it moved so fast I didn't see it appear behind me.

Dodging the claw coming down I grabbed a hold of my climact tact and pieced it together before turning around. There was seven of them. One began to cough up something like a hairball, and that's what it did. What I wasn't ready for was the thing to transform into another one of those things.

"T-They multiply" I said I'm shock. I felt the wind pick up behind me so I twirled my weapon around summing lightning. I was glad I was able to summon lightning quickly now.

The fluffy creature let out a loud screech as it was shocked. Its fur fluffed up and it absorb the lightning. "You got to be kidding me" I stated as I turn to face off once more.

(Just to let you know I may give Nami different moves then what she has. A little change but I think it be okay)

Repiecing the poles I made them into three sided square with the top open. "Time to put these new moves that those old geezers taught me" I said. I began to spin the three before tossing it up in the air.

The creature looked at my poles with curiosity. "Galia Winds" I chanted as the poles spinner faster till a huge wind sweep out from the. It twirled around hitting the creature on its stomach. It let out a screech as it left the floor and crash into another creature who was fighting Sanji. Both smacked into the wall with a thud. I placed my hands out and caught the poles with a smirk. That'll show you to absorb my lightning.

Sanji looked like he was about to go love cook mode but another creature cut him off. Two more appeared by me as both tag teamed. Dodging two sets of furious claws my back hit a wall.

Taking my pole I slammed it against one of the creatures faces before dodging the other. Running and rearranging my poles once more I raised them up and chuncked them at the two. Both stopped when it landed between them.

It glowed white before blue flames appeared. "AChilled Flames" I said as they grew surrounding the two. They dissapeared into ash as I went to my poles with a smirk. Picking it up I stood up only to have a rubber arm wrap around my waist. My body was thrown forwards as I felt something nearly scratch my shoulder. My body collided in Luffy side making me groan.

"That was close" he said holding onto his hat.

"Thanks" I mutter blushing a bit. I stepped back from him and turned around. Only Two left and then they did the craziest thing every. They merge bodies!

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