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Ben's POV:

I sat on my bed, my arms now empty as Rey had disappeared. A tear fell from my eye as I already missed her embrace that she was so willing to give me. I dropped my arms in despair and became overwhelmed with anger and frustration. I was so close to finding her, but because of my past mistakes...I'd lost her again. I always lost her.

I stood from my bed and grabbed my recently repaired mask. I held the helmet and furiously threw it across the room in a fit of rage. The sound of it slamming against the floor echoed in the empty room. I extended my hand out and lifted the mask, violently wrapping the force around the helmet as I began to slowly ball my fist. I forced the metal mask to capsize and destroy itself with each second I crushed it with the force.

I closed my fist completely and the mask crumpled in to a ball of useless metal, I let it fall to the ground. The echo filling my chest as I felt free.

"The Yukar system...find me"

Her voice echoed in my mind like a song, I took a shaky breath and swiftly exited my room. The sound of my footsteps against the dark, gleaming floor of my command ship boomed. I burst in to the control center of the ship and marched up to Hux, whom I will forever despise.

"Set course for the Yukar system" I demanded, my vice full of anger and anxiousness.

"Supreme leader, I do not think it would be wise to go-" he stated, but I whipped my hand out and grabbed his throat with force. Cutting his words short and listening to him spit and gasp for air.

"You went against my orders once and you remember the consequences, do you not?" I asked, spitting out the words. He weakly nodded his purple head, his hands grasped his throat as I lifted him off the ground. "Set course for the Yukar system" I repeated, he nodded his head and I let out a breath of anxiety I was holding. I dropped the General to the floor and stood over him like a looming shadow.

"Supreme Leader, there are 74 planets within Yukar's system" Captain Gertek informed me, i turned around saw him pointing to a screen with many planets thrown around a small galaxy. I grimaced at the large number and remembered hearing rain when Rey and I spoke. The light patter of rain, that was all. But it was enough.

"How many planets have storms occurring?" I asked quickly, Gertek just kept his face still and pointed toward a woman down in the control center.

"Get weather readings of all the planets" he demanded, "right away captain" the woman responded. Gertek turned to me and waited for what I was going to say next.

"Send me the coordinates of each planet with a storm, I have something I need to do" I demanded.

"Of course Supreme Leader" Gertek said hastily, he turned to the lowered control center and stomped his foot, "get those reading as quick as possible!" He shouted.

I turned to leave the control center as I knew the coordinates would be sent directly to me, I had a breath of relief as I walked back toward my quarters. I would find her.


Finn's POV:

"Poe, I don't care if you don't like it. you have to eat it" I demanded, Poe just rolled his eyes and took the bowl of hot stew, this guy was such a diva.

"General, hows the attack coming along?" Poe asked Leia.

"We lost three bombers but the rest of the fleet is safe out by Dantooine"

Dantooine? Why the hell are they on that garbage planet?" Poe spit, Leia just ignored his comment and stared out of the ships window, staring in to the snowy terrain of Whilk.

"As long as the fleet is safe, we can continue our plan. Many allies have joined our cause recently and I don't plan on losing them" she explained with hope flooding her words. There was a moment of charged silence as we all took a moment to breathe.

"What about Rey, any update on her?" I asked Leia, she stared at a blank landscape and shook her head.

"I've told you this Finn, Rey is hiding for us. I can't tell you where she is" she said with annoyance in her voice, it annoyed me more than anything that Leia knew where my best friend was and she wouldn't tell me. Anger filled my bones as I couldn't stand the secrets anymore.

"Shouldn't we tell her the plan?!" I exclaimed, Leia just put her hand up and shook her head. "Why!"
Leia glared at me and took a deep breath before she started to speak. "If we tell her, she'll want to help and it would put her in more danger then she's already in" Leia argued, Poe scoffed and stood up from his seat. I felt betrayed at the fact I couldn't tell Rey about our plan, it was complete ridiculousness.

"Isn't she a Jedi? Isn't she supposed to fight when she's needed, you said it yourself that Jedis are peace keepers right!" Poe argued, Leia whipped up from her seat and slammed her cane in to the solid ground below us. I'd never seen her so angry before, but I agreed with Poe, Rey deserves to fight with us.

"I can't put her at risk! She's all the Jedi have left and she dies...so does the Jedi!" She said painfully, Poe just threw his bow of soup on to the ground and ran his fingers through his hair. "Seems like you'd rather have Rey then the rebellion" Poe hissed, Leia just sat back down and rubbed her temple.

"I've given more than you can ever imagine to this rebellion, whether you care to believe it or not" she said softly, I immediately regretted everything I said to her, realizing who I'd just yelled at.

"I'm sorry Finn, I wish I could tell you...but I can't" she said softly, I just waved my hand and stormed out of the ship. I needed to let everything out.

"Finn, Finn!" Poe yelled after me, but I continued out of the ship and threw myself in to the freezing snow. Cold wind whipped across my body as I repeatedly slammed my fists in to snow. I grit my teeth as my hands aches with every pound.

"Finn, stop, stop!" Poe yelled, I screamed in to the snowy air and felt my throat rip apart. Poe just knelt down next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"The plan's not going to work" I mumbled, felt like running in to the snow and never coming back.

"Finn, we are the god damn spark that will the fire, that will burn through the first order. I don't give a shit if you don't think it will work because I do and only my opinion matters" he joked, I laughed and squeezed my eyes shut.

"I just wanna know if she's safe, that's all I want" I confessed, Poe just patted my back and nodded his head.

"I know buddy, you just gotta have hope, Rey can handle herself...trust me" he said softly, I just took a shaky breath and wrapped my arms around Poe.

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