
Standing at the crossroads with her arms crossed, Darcey turns when she hears the familiar sound of a certain engine.

She watched as Dean came over with the small box she forgot.
"What are you doing?" She asks watching as he dug a hole.
"Shh." He tells her as he stands up and looks around.
"Come on out, you bitch." Dean yells
"Easy, you'll wake the neighbours."

The Winchester turned to become face to face with a crossroad demon.
"Dean."  The woman in a black dress says to him.
Darcy's stood where she was, angry at herself for not thinking clearly.
"It's good to see you. I mean, look at you. Gone and got your family killed. All alone in the world." She said
"He's not alone." Darcey says
The demon looks to her and suddenly, she's dropped on the ground and thrown into darkness.
Dean looked back to his sister,
"Don't worry, she's fine." The demon come up close to Dean and says into his ear, "excuse me, you're going to have to give me a moment. Sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses."

"I should send you right back to hell." Dean said
"Oh, maybe you should. But you won't. And I know why."

"Yeah. You're following in daddy's footsteps. You want to make a deal. So did she." The demon says nodding her head to Darcey's unconscious body.
"Sammy, back from the dead. And, let me take a guess, you're offering your own soul?"

"There are about a hundred other demons who'd love to get their hands on it." Dean tells her
"And it can be all yours. All you have to do is bring Sam back. Give me 10 years. 10 yeah, and then you can come for me."

"You're joking."

"It's the same deal you give to everybody else."
"But you're not everybody else. Why would I want to give you anything? Why don't you keep your gutter soul, it's far too tarnished anyway."" She tells him

"Nine years, then."



"Keep going, I'll just keep saying no."

"Okay, five years. Five years and my bill comes due. That's my final offer. Five years or no deal."
The demon walked up closer to Dean,
"No deal." She says

"Fine. Make sure you bury Sam, you know, before he starts to stink up the joint." She tells dean as she walks away.
"Wait." Dean says to stop her
He had one more offer.

"It's a closing sale, everything must go." The demon says turning to face Dean.

"What do I need to do?" He asks
"Fist of, stop groveling. Needy guys are a turnoff." She says walking closer.
"Look. I shouldn't be doing this. I could really get into a lot of trouble. But what can I say? I have a blond spot for you, Dean. You're like a puppy, just too fun to play with. " she said.
She then let out a sigh.
"I'll do it."

"You will bring him back?"
"I will and because I'm such a little saint, I'll give you one year and one year only. But here's the thing. If you try to Welch or weasel your way out, the. The deal is off. Sam will drop dead, he's back to rotten mean in no time.
So? It's a better deal than your dad got. What do you say?"

Embrace The Flames // BOok 1 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें