....Same Encounter....

Start from the beginning

On the way there jennie stoped at Momos new company building. "I herd they already have a group in the making"

"They do. Momo owns that. I'm friends with her"

"Really. Ooo. Can we go in!? Lisa was thinking about trying to get in"

"Lisa could join my company"

"Ah I know but Lisa said she rather work for a less wealthy company. I mean if it were me I wouldn't."

"Ok let's go in" Sana could be in there. Please no. I held my breath as Jennie walked in with me. I saw dahyun right away flattening boxes.

She looked up and waved at me. "Wow it's cool in here. I like it."

"Me too. Momo has been doing well"

"She really has" Dahyun hugged me. "It's nice to see you. Oh yeah. Hi I'm dahyun" she waved at jennie who was still focused on everything.

"Yeah she just wanted to come see if this place was good for her friend. I think it's perfect"

"That's good I'll tell Momo about her friend anyways is everything doing good so far with the whole you know..."

"Yes. Better then I thought. This ones entertaining" jennie walked up to one of the trainees asking him questions. "Yeah. She seems nice. If you need anything I'm here oh and mina said she wants to work beside Nayeon if your going to hand up the company."

"Tell her yes. I just need paperwork to get done then it's all hers." That company is what made my life. It's what I ran off of. Now I was just turning up. No more passion.

Jennie ran up to dahyun. "This place looks good. Here's Lisa's number"

"She can just come in. There's a paper there for auditions." Jennie grabbed the paper and motioned me to the door. "Bye Jihyo"



Back to the place I saw Jihyo enjoying herself with dahyun. Me and Jeongyeon were looking for candy again like last time.

I raced her to the isle. "HEY HOLD UP!" she grabbed my coat and pulled me away from the candy. "BEAT YOU!" I stuck me tongue out at her. She frowned.

"Don't pick out to much I only brought so much money"

"Ok~" I ended up getting five candies and one chip bag. She only got two.

"You suck"

"Ah..fine here" she smiled at the candy I put in her arms. "Thanks babe"

"your welcome but you have to share"

"Ok I will remind me" I hit her head. "Share!"

"Ok ok!"

I stopped right in my tracks. Jeongyeon looked around. "Why did you stop—"

Shit Jihyo was right there. COMING DOWN THE ISLE. Jeongyeon turned me around and put the hood over my head. She walked right behind me. We pretended to be looking at the candy.

"Ooo Jihyo! I love these. Have you had them. Put them in pancakes and it's so good"

It sound like that girl. Jennie.
"Then get some"

"Ok, these too!"

"Your gonna get fat jennie" Jihyo chuckled

"Just for tonight." Jeongyeon poked my side. She was holding my hand. "Let's go"

"Ok. I Don't want you get get a stomach ache those suck"

"Ugh your right. In that case I'll attempt to make crapes tonight for us"

"You can cook?"

"No but you can help me"

"Sana always cooked, not the best but it was ok" she was still thinking about me.

"Well I bet I can cook better then your ex. Jisoo has showed me."

"In that case I'm excited" I turned. Jihyo was smiling wide at jennie who looked like she had a sparkle in her eyes looking at Jihyo.

I looked back at Jeongyeon who had that same smile on her face but looking at me. She started to laugh. Jennie and Jihyo turned their heads at us.

"Babe. Your nose is bleeding" Jeongyeon took her sleeve and put it on my nose.
"Oh my god" I looked down in embarrassment.

"Your so cute."

"Thanks. Ah this has never happened"

"Great time for it to happen" I looked past Jeongyeon. Jihyo was holding Jennie's hand walking away. I took a deep breath.
"I'm glad she's happy"

"Me to. Ew you got my whole sleeve all messed up."

"Keke sorry~"

"Here let's go."


Seeing Sana startled me. Jennie knew who exactly that was and pulled me away. She was with jeongyeon. Smiling happy and I was with Jennie doing the same thing.

Maybe people who seem well fitted just aren't ment to be.

"That was her right?"

"Yeah..." Jennie shook her head. "What a fool. That other girl is perfect for her."

"What makes you think that"

"Just the way she could easily adapt to her. She was able to hide her but also make sure the situation wasn't to bad when we saw them so Sana felt safe. She knows how to make her happy"

"You think so?"

"Yeah. They seemed happy. Really they did. The short haired smile showed it all"

Jeongyeon was always happy around Sana. Now that I thought about it Sana was the reason she quit drinking. She. Really was willing to change everything for Sana. Sana always did think about Jeongyeon too. I'm so oblivious.

"Jihyo. Don't think about it too much. I know how you get" she leaned in and kissed my cheek. I blushed.
"Come on silly~ we got crapes to make!"

"Ok~ I think your the silly one here"

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