Secrets Chp17

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A couple of lingering seconds past of him examining me, stern and fierce. It didn't even faze me now, I was almost used to it. It had been about four days of ill treatment and if Kedron wasn't hurting me, I wasn't bothered. I knew by now that he needed me alive, to find the Rubrium Senium. Whatever it was, it sure as hell must have been important to be hunting down a scrap of a girl like me for a decade!

He broke the silence with a gentle whisper that snatched me away from my lucid daydreams, "you know, I always wanted to be exactly like you..." 

"What do you mean?" I asked, "I'm not special in any way, it's not like I have any talents that could be construed as impressive..." 

"Oh, but you are." He smiled genuinely, "you're fierce and not afraid to speak your mind, brave yet you know when to be afraid, you're skilled and cunning. Through teaching you learn kinaesthetic movements with ease and plan combat strategies in seconds, out-powering a dim witted enemy. This is then balanced with the unmistakable but utterly impressive art of your imagination, while people say it's useless, you know the values..." 

My eyes widened in amazement, I couldn't understand what he was trying to say. "How did he even know this?" I thought, "has he been examining me throughout the days that I have been here?" "But he couldn't in that space of time, he wouldn't have seen half the things that he's going on about so it truly makes no sense!" 

"Wwwhat ddo yyou mmean?" I stuttered, not knowing what to say. 

"While people usually have a lean towards either the right side of the brain (the logical, methodical, mathematical side) or the left side of the brain ( the creative, intuitive, artistic, imaginative side) , you have the perfect balance of the two. Reaching maximal intelligence ratings of an IQ above 200." 

"Wtffffffff," i thought, "he is most definitely a madman! The highest I've ever gotten in a maths test is 62%," I was almost caught laughing at his useless comments "I am hella dumb"

"Have you ever heard of the nine types of intelligence?" He questioned, 

"No...not really..." I whispered, highly confused. 

"You see..." he furthered, "you have been gifted all nine..." 

"Um, ok then." I awkwardly smiled, 

"Here, we call them faculties..." "most of the lads here are kinaesthetic (if anything)." "But you, dear were born with an unusual gift." 

"But what's that got to do with anything?" I interrupted, "so what? I supposedly have these faculties or whatever. I'm most definitely not the one you're looking for, I'm stupid as f*ck!"  

"HAHAH!!!" He boomed, "no use hiding it from me!" 

"I seriously don't know what you're talking about, though," I frowned

With a realisation that I was being truthful, the anger flushed through his face, his veins bulging in the mass of distain and exasperation. His usually greedy and cunning eyes were replaced by vexed bloodshot ones, like glassy balls plastered with webs of blood vessels. A rack of uneven teeth gritted and sliced with the sound of his jaw dislocating as if his anger could not be contained by his skull. His broad fists pounded and clenched like throbbing bones. He rose walked a couple of feet and threw his arms across the room in a violent dance of rage and fury. Shattering the wood into sharp splinters that glided through the air. 


The tears started selling underneath my eyes, I couldn't take it anymore, it was all too overwhelming. My body felt heavy in the pain of grief, once again. And again, I felt as if I lost my whole family in a massacre of my heart.

"PLEASE STOP!!!" i squealed, the rivers of tears burst their banks and they fell as waterfalls down my cheeks, "STOP TALKING ABOUT MY FAMILY THIS WAY!!!" 

His fists silenced, the colour drained from Kedron's face, almost as if he actually cared. He walked back towards me and took his seat once again as if nothing happened... 

"Family?" He whispered, 

"Yeah, my dad..." I weeped in a pool of my own tears, 

"Are you talking about Arthur Blake?" He queried, 

"Yes, the man you called a bastard, when he is the most loving and caring person I know. How could you even say that?!" I cried, the emotion just flooding in heaps of helplessness. 

"But, he is not your father..." 

"What?" I darted straight up and stared at him, as though i could burn through his skull. "Then who the f*ck is?!" 

"I am..."

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