Crime notice Chp 3

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Leaving the crowd of buzzing pupils, I lead Aiden into the corridor. The dull grey lockers were scattered across the wall with pupils dotted about the place shuffling around beside them. Clashes and clatters littered the silence with patches of ugly noise. Yet, Aiden stood beside me, smug and as happy as ever with that stupid grin on his face.

"Hey Aiden, you can't just do that to me!" I scowled. 

"Well, you didn't say no and your face said yes." He grinned back

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I said, getting agitated.

"Your face let's your true emotions away too quickly, your mouth may have a filter but your face certainly doesn't. You need to learn to control it. I can't crack but you can. I guess you could say your emotions are your weakness."

"Wtf I've only known you since like two hours ago, how do you already know that much about me? That's low-key kinda creepy."

"I'm good at analysing people, I could tell a lot about you even from our first encounter. And...that's why I'm with you right now..." he said flirtatiously, edging his hand down my back.

I lunged a good meter away 

"Ha, you really think it's THAT easy? Just cuz you're mediocre looking (definite understatement) and you're a smooth talker it doesn't mean you get everything!" I said, frowning 

He laughed and under his breath I heard a whisper "not as stupid as I thought."

"What did that mean? Was he testing me? To be honest I'm kinda disappointed, maybe I am as stupid as he thought because I was only playing hard to get, (not like I'm any good at it)," I thought. 

We began walking, i folded my arms tightly and stared and the grey marble ground. Our black shoes clattered in a synced motion and for a moment I just enjoyed walking with him, if there was any consolation, I thought his presence was seemingly calming.

"School papers! School papers! Latest stories available!" A kid was shouting down the hall, shoving papers in to anyone in close proximity.

Before I knew it, the boy had whizzed by and had thrown the paper into my folded arms. The paper was crisp and the feel of it triggered a dance of shivers down my spine. 

"Hey, what the hell does this mean?!" I gasped placing my finger on the heading of the paper

Kidnappings near Dovamore High school: students are advised to go home before dark

Classes will be shortened due to this minor inconvenience.

I looked at Aidens face, as calm as ever. Gasps still filled the hallway from whoever had read it.

"OMG it says Maggie Williams was one of the people kidnapped!"

"She was in my year!" 

"One of us could be next!"

"I don't wanna die!!!" 

I couldn't understand how Aidan was still so calm. His face was so blank it was like a piece of white paper. I couldn't read any emotions from him, I guess he was right, he doesn't crack!

"Aiden, what do you think?" I asked, trying to get something out of him

"Uh, well there have been outbursts of crime lately, robberies, murder...kidnapping. It comes as no surprise to me." He said combing his fingers through his hair.

"Is there anything else you know about them?" I asked

"Well...people call them 'Virus'."

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