Black Chp 8

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I opened my eyes, heavy and sore, with as much strength as I could. Pain pumped through my body like my blood was weighted. Engulfed  in the darkness, I strained my eyes. A strand of light sliced through what seemed like a door on the other side of the room. My neck cracked as I shifted it from side to side. I realised that my hands were bound in thick rope behind the chair, The friction burned my wrists as I weakly attempted to pull them out.

"Where the hell am I?" I thought, dazed and confused. "Whatever the masked man put into me, it's made me feel weary."

From behind the door there was a rumble of noise. Voices booming with laughter and grimace. I strained my ears to hear what they were saying.

"Hey, isn't the girl in there?" One said, about to walk on.

"Yeah, mate. Apparently she's a real beauty!" The other snickered, "shame we can't take her, she's defenceless and it would be so easy!"

"Boss's orders, we've to guard her." Another spoke nervously, "who knows what he'd do to us, after all, she's who he's been searching for all this time."

"It would only be a few minutes.."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt if we were real quick," he laughed.

There were cackles of laughter and the door began to creak open.

I could feel myself trembling in fear. Beads of nervous sweat scaled down my forehead as the blurred figures loomed closer and closer. I couldn't speak, I couldn't scream for help. I was silenced by a piece of cloth that was tied between my teeth.

I heard a stumble of fast paced steps shatter the hallway, someone was coming. A taller bigger builder man thundered in. He tore at one man's chest and flung him at the wall to my right, resulting in a crash of wood that tumbled to the floor along with him. Turning to the other side, he grinned at the slimmer man who trembled in fear. He whipped out a knife, it's blade reflecting the warm colours of the hallway light. He slashed it fiercely at the other's collarbone and he was sent to my left side dragged across the floor with a trail of scarlet blood decorating the rotting wood around him. 

"Ugh, disgusting," he spoke gently, " I thought I had put my best men on the job."

"I'm sorry I had to tie you up like this, just precaution and orders. I know that around your mouth may seem a little over the top but had no choice, you were muttering strange things in your sleep. Something about... Jake ," he mocked, behind the mask I knew he was grinning.

"Here, let me take it off for you..." he whispered leaning closer. He stroked my cheek gently and combed his hands through my hair. Slowly, he undid the knot of the cloth. He moved back slightly until his head was close to my lips. I could feel his warm breath caressing my skin. It sent shivers down my spine and I trembled a little. I tried my best to resist him for Jake,

Even though I knew he didn't love me and that he never would.

"The names Fletcher, Pleased to make your acquaintance..." he whispered.

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