Dark of Day Chp 6

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"So, Eden, what brings you on top of me today?" Aiden said with a smirk.

"It was an accident," I blushed, "stop getting so full of yourself!"

"Alright, calm down!" He whispered, reassuringly, "but, if it's nothing then why are you so flustered?" 

"I...i....uh- n-nothing!" I squealed turning away. I had never been good with boys; I got flustered too easily and my emotions would show no filter on my face. I even found it hard to speak, with mumbled stutters and silence, the only thing that I can show. Since Aidan was such a 'smooth-talker' it made it even worse. I got stomach flutters when I was around any boy, he was no different. It was hard to know who I really had feelings for. I knew there was still something in me that was holding onto Jake, but now I know that he doesn't feel the same way. Ugh! Who am I kidding...

No one ever will.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He said sincerely.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I said standing up on my shaking legs.

"Look, I'm not stupid, if a girl says she's fine, then she's NOT fine!" He smiled.

"Either you're not actually that stupid, or you've been with a load of girls!" I frowned, turning away. I had been talking to him for too long and I was actually scared I might miss class. 

"Why, are you interested in who I've dated?" He grinned.

"..." I glared up at him. In some ways, I was kind of curious.

"Well, if you're so eager to know.." he trailed off, "none."

"Really? I find that hard to believe!" I laughed.

"Truly! I was home schooled before coming here, you're the first girl I've ever been friends with!" He said, smiling.

"Here we go again with the friend zoning," I thought "can anyone actually ever think of me as anything else?" 

"I have obviously met other girls, none have ever interested me as much as you..." he said flirtatiously.

"If you were homeschooled then how did you learn how to flirt!" I exclaimed, realising what I just said and blushing hopelessly.

"Oh, you think I'm flirting?" He raised his eyebrows, "well, I guess it's just my personality then! I just meant that you're weird!" He laughed.

I felt like I was dying inside, my self esteem crumbling inside me. I had never felt so embarrassed, so stupid! How could anyone possibly love me?! My self worth had been slowly declining ever since I came back to school. Disappointing myself, my friends, my dad, my mum. Test scores, love, hate, relationships, sports, music. I had just been failing in everything.

"Maybe I should sell my body parts." I whispered, turning away.

"What the hell?" Aidan giggled.

"Then I'll actually be worth something... anything" I said and stumbled down the corridor

4:00 pm

Walking home, I felt exhausted. The weight of my many problems and worries felt as heavy as the bag of textbooks that weighed down my back. I stared at the ground, examining it again.

"I wonder how many people have walked this path, have touched this ground," I thought.

I liked having these thoughts, it kept me from thinking about my actual problems, which is why I loved to walk to and from school. 

I kicked a stone, it was sent clattering down the tarmac path. I looked up.

"Wait a second... where am I?" I thought. 

I had been so focused on my feet that I didn't even notice that I had missed the turning point for down my street.

"Seriously this can't be happening right now! I don't even recognise this place! I must have already been walking for an hour!" I thought nervously.

"The walk home was usually 15-20 minutes!" I whispered. "DAMN MY DAYDREAMS!" I squealed.

"Ok, where am I?" I calmed myself.

I searched hopelessly for signs and decent people that could give me directions.

"Ah ha!" I thought, squinting at a sign.

Lockgate Avenue

"OH SH*T!" I thought, "I'm at the shady side of town! I have to get out of here!"

I flung myself from side to side, panicking, looking to see where I had come from. Getting myself ready to bolt I took my first stride, with the adrenaline pumping through my veins I felt jittery, I just wanted to get out.

Without hesitation I bolted until I came to the realisation that my arm was clamped by a strong force.

"AHHHH," I squealed.

The stranger pulled me closer and I found myself bound within their wrath. I wriggled and writhed trying to pull myself free.

"LET ME GO!!!" I screamed and screamed until my voice began to hoarse with the stress on my vocal chords.

I tried to summon the last of the strength from my stomach to scream once more. It wouldn't work. As much as I tried and tried my efforts were useless. My whimpers were not heard. I felt like I had no voice, like stuck in a dream were you can't move, you can't scream for help. You just tumble into a void of darkness until you awaken to a bright world again. 

But this wasn't a dream, and I wasn't going to wake up to the bright colours of light shining against my wall, nor the comforting feeling of the fresh sheets brushing against my skin.

I felt a sharp metal object pierce my skin, the pain jolted up my arm and I flinched. I felt like I was back in school were they would pinch me and tease me and bully me, my mind was absorbed by the horrid memories of my past until a picture of my mum floated across my eyes, but she couldn't help me, she couldn't protect me. My father and Jake couldn't come because they don't know where I am. 

"I am alone," I thought.

The world I once saw clearly was blurred into dull colours of grief and confusion, darkness unfolded and my eyes fluttered to a close.

Since when had the day, bright and keen, ever feel so dark? Ever feel so cruel and mean?

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