It looked like he didn't bother to redecorate the room after you had moved out. The furs, pillows and the warmer colors you had picked were all gone with you. The room still looked almost impassible, with its cold colors.

You didn't really need Ivar to speak to understand he was in fact furious, it was basically radiating off of his whole body even if his back was turned to you and he was looking out of the window silently.

"Leave me be."

You looked over your shoulder and shrugged at Hvitserk, who pulled his brows together.

"You heard him."

"I'm talking to both of you, Y/N."

"And I'm talking to Hvitserk." You said, then walked to the door "We'll see you later, Hvitserk."

"Y/N, don't-" Hvitserk said but then you closed the door, and turned to Ivar who stubbornly looked outside.

"I'm not in the mood to pretend whatever it is you wish to pretend." Ivar's voice was like a whip, "Leave me be, I said."

"What is it?" You somehow managed to keep your voice calm, but this whole situation made you feel like you were trapped in a cage with a wild animal. "Bjorn? Or has something else happened?"

Somehow, hearing Bjorn's name made every muscle on his back tense up and he turned around to look you in the eye.


That level of angry.

If looks could kill, you were sure half of the court would drop dead right now. Ivar's narrowed blue eyes looked like they were on fire with his fury, and his jaw clenched before he gritted his teeth and let out a breath through his nose.

"He told me he would be here tonight."

You nodded, "Okay?"

"Not even asking it. He informed me- he dares to give commands to me," his voice rose, "To me!"


"I was the one who conquered Kattegat!" he didn't even look like he could hear you, "Me, and I'm the leader of the Great Heathen Army, not any of them," he motioned at the door, "Bjorn was the one who failed- and that means he can come here as he wishes?!" some words in his language –that you didn't understand- left his lips in a haste, but you were fairly certain they weren't kind.

"He's merely visiting, he told me so." Your voice was stable and calm, the complete opposite of his. You had learned long before –even before your brother became the king- that you were supposed to keep your calmness around the kings. Your father, your brother-


"I thought of it, and I've decided I should kill him when he gets here," Ivar's voice along with the sound of his crutches snapped you out of your thoughts and your jaw dropped while his grin widened at the thought of it, nodding to himself "The moment he steps a foot into the Great Hall, I should-"

"Ivar, no!" Before you could think of what you were doing, you had already stopped him and cupped his face with both hands so that he would stop and look at you. He seemed as surprised as you were but that made him fall into silence and his eyes searched yours, as if he was yearning to hear what you would say.

You could feel the thoughts flashing over your mind as you searched hopelessly what to say, then took a deep breath. Ivar's conceit was not as complex as he and his brothers seemed to believe so, and that was the safest thing to form a plan on.

At least that was stable, unlike his moods.

"Just like you said," You said gently, "You're the King of Kattegat, and the leader of the Great Heathen Army. Even I heard very fearsome stories about you way before we met, and our countries have nothing in common."

Faint Of Heart [Ivar x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now