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It's a summer morning in the Kingdom of Solest, covering the trees in a welcoming bright green as the endless skies are in a beautiful shade of turquoise blue. Stepping out of the cave, a cold breeze flows through my silver hair, causing a smile to appear on my face.

The birds chirp enthusiastically in their nests while colorful butterflies roam around the outstretched meadows shielded by a few oak trees. Stretching my back, I stand on the tips of my toes and extend my arms as far as possible.

"Someone's finally up" I hear, and with a grin, I turn around and poke my brother's stomach. He squeezes my cheeks as a punishment before passing me an apple and walking me over towards the trees. My two older brothers, Yoongi and Namjoon were already up, relaxing on the hammocks in the shade.

"What's there to do today guys?" I ask the three as I take a seat in my own hammock.

They give each other a knowing look before answering, "We're taking you somewhere in a bit, we might be swimming so bring an extra dress".

Eyes lighting up in excitement, I purposely toss the bitten apple towards Yoongi's head and run back into the cave to grab a dress. Hearing their deep loud voices calling for me, I walk out and chuckle, craning my neck to see my brothers already in their dragon forms.

Namjoon is a purple, Flight dragon, with two pointed horns on the top of his head. He has beautiful diamond shaped scales that glisten in the daylight, and thick triangle spines. With sharp claws and fanged teeth, he has a tall body with an arrowhead tail. He also breathes out purple flames.

Yoongi is a pale white, Flight dragon, with two pointed horns and a mix of gold and white diamond shaped scales that shimmer in the daylight. With thick triangle spines, long sharp claws and fanged teeth, he has a long slim figure, almost resembling a Midnight dragon. Yoongi also has an arrowhead tail, and breathes out bright orange flames.

Hoseok is a turquoise, Flight dragon, he easily camouflages in the skies. He has two short pointed horns on his head. He has diamond shaped scales, thick hexagonal spines and short pointed claws. With fanged teeth and a large body, he too, has an arrowhead tail. Breathing bright blue flames.

They all have a singular cloud marking on the side of their necks. Namjoon calls it a birth mark and has educated me that every dragon has one on them. Varying from five different kinds.

Sadly I am not a dragon, or maybe not yet, because I haven't been able to transform into one. Everyone starts alternating when they reach five years old but I'm now sixteen already. They reassure me that I'm not purely human either, due to my silver hair and the same marking that I share with them. It's complicated and I don't like addressing it so we just leave it that way.

"Who are you riding with Mei?" Namjoon asks, his voice much deeper in that form.

Pretending to think, I point towards Hoseok who he grins in delight with his pointed fangs beautifully on display. I struggle to climb onto his tail per usual, my upper body strength is just nonexistent. The three of them let out a roar of laughter, echoing the place and scaring away the birds.

"He's not a mountain Mei" Namjoon says, swiftly picking me up by the back of my shirt with his teeth, and placing me on top of Hoseok's head. Spreading his wings, and without a warning my brother soars up into the sky, making me almost slip off as I tightly hold onto his horns and steady my breathing.

Their bodies are huge compared to mine, and they also having matching hair with the color of their skin in human form. It makes me wonder if I someday am able to shift.  

The sun is shining brightly today. Strong gusts of wind continuously hits my face, strong enough to blow me away but I hold on tight. The endless trees and meadows are below us, I could barely see due to the sunlight blinding me, but I catch a glimpse of the town square in the distance. Gulping, I look over towards my two brothers flying besides us, they grin back at me in reassurance before spinning in the air and doing tricks to make me laugh.

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