You can see the fright filled children find solace in your words. They get up one by one and scurry out of the room. Running to find whoever their guardians were. AJ went with his friends, knowing that Clementine was safe and sound.

Clem: Come here.

You walk over to her and kneel down in front of her.

You: Yes.

She punches you in the face. You are completely blindsided. You fall over onto the ground, holding your face.

You: Ow.

Clem: Quit doing that!

You: What?

Clem: Running off, almost getting yourself killed, and making me think youre dead!

You: I was completely fine.

Clem: Really?

You: Yeah.

Clem: What was all the gunfire?

You: Some new people.

Clem: What were they shooting at?

You: The walkers I led away.

Clem: Why would they waste bullets on walkers that werent hurting anyone?

You: Well- Ok maybe I was about to be killed, but I didnt get killed.

Clem: Just dont do that anymore.

You: No promises.

Clem: Y/N.

You: Ok, fine.

You sit up and sit down next to Clementine.

Clem: So, what about new people?

You: They want us to join their community. Theyve done a pretty good job of convincing Javier, so it looks like well be going.

Clem: You dont trust them?

You: No.

Clem: Any reasons why?

You: Its really a gut feeling. Theyve been a little off.

Clem: So, no real reason.

You: I guess not.

Clem: Youre just paranoid.

You: Maybe.

Clem: Well keep our eye out and make sure its all safe.

Clementine does a good job of comforting you, but you still dont trust them. She puts her hand on the back of yours.

Clem: Im sure its fine.

You stand up and grab her hat from atop the table. You put it loosely on her head and push it down over her eyes. She giggles as she adjusts her hat.

You: Lets get out there and see whats happening.

You get her crutches and help her up. You open the door and let her pass through before shutting it behind you.

You see people all around scrambling to grab stuff and pack it up. Sam is talking to Javier, while his people help pack everything up.

You: Looks like were going.

AJ: Clem!

AJ runs over with excitement written all over his face.

AJ: Were moving to another community. They have stuff just like Richmond had.

Clem: Thats great.

AJ: Yeah, that man talking to Javier, hes Sam. He told me that they were going to teach me all kinds of cool stuff.

Clem: You should probably help pack up.

AJ: Yeah, I know. I just wanted to tell you.

He runs off again, to help.

Clem: See youre just paranoid. This place sounds nice.

You: You know better than to just trust people immediately.

Clem: Youve been through a lot. Im sure its going to take a while for you to trust them, but they saved your life, offered to take us in, and are helping us pack up. They seem nice to me.

You: You didnt head how they threatened me and used me as a hostage.

Clem: You were probably being you and threatening them.

You: Really? Youre going to trust them over me.

Clem: Thats not what I said at all.

You: I need you to have my back, Clem.

Clem: Not everyone is bad Y/N.

You: These people are.

Clem: You are jumping to conclusions.

You: Thats why Im still alive Clem.

Clem: When are you going to stop using that phrase as an excuse for everything?

You: Im sorry. Ill give them the benefit of the doubt. But when I find-

Clem: If.

You: If I find anything, were getting out of there.

Clem: Deal.

Sam: Hey.

You look over to see Sam walking towards you.

Sam: I never caught your name.

You: And youre not going to.

Clem: Its Y/N, and Im Clementine.

Sam: Nice to meet your Clementine. So Y/N, theres no heart feelings right?

You: Oh, there is. I dont trust you yet, and dont know if I ever will. You make a play to hurt any of these people, and I swear to you that I will make your death slow and painful.

Clem: Y/N!

Sam: Its fine. I hope to one day gain your trust. I understand your skepticism. No harm will come to you and your friends.

Clem: Im really sorry for that.

Sam: Dont be, its natural now. I get it a lot.

He walks away to go talk to some more people.

Clem: Do you have to act like a tough guy all the time.

You: Yes.

She rolls her eyes at you.

Javier: Lets get moving people!

Clementine begins hopping along with the group as you walk a few steps behind her just in case.


You arrive at an assortment of automobiles. Theres a small group standing guard over them. You get a little closer to Clementine just in case. AJ doing the same. Hes a good kid.

Sam: Alright, we have a long trip ahead of us. Go piss or whatever, get comfortable, and sit next to someone you like.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon