Heirs to the Marauderhood

Start from the beginning

Sirius said, "Well I didn't think of them."

"You don't think at all," murmured Remus.

"I do plenty of thinking," Sirius answered.

"When?" asked Peter.

Sirius looked affronted.

Lily asked, "Wait, so, you lot have been planning to give the map up anyway? After all the work I did to get it back for you?"

"Well what would we do with it once we've left school?" asked Sirius, rolling his eyes. "The whole point was to hand it off to the next generation, to ensure there's always a bit of marauding going on in the great walls of this hallowed castle!" His voice shook with a fiery passion, like one of those preacher muggles you see on the telly.

Lily rolled her eyes, "Bloody hell, you boys are idiots. The lot of you."

James laughed, "Sirius is at any rate."

"Are you going to make a move anytime soon?" Peter chided Remus.

"I'm thinking," Remus replied. "Unlike Sirius."

"Oi, careful or thinking is all I'll do 'round you ever again," Sirius said pointedly.

Remus didn't even glance up, "That would be more punishment for yourself than for me," he pointed out flatly. He started to reach for a piece, then hesitated, shook his head and withdrew his hand, which made Peter let out a long sigh and flop backward onto the bed, his straw colored hair floofing up as he hit the mattress.

"So what made you come to this brilliant revelation that you were giving it to the seagulls, then?" James asked as he perched on the edge of his bed, where Lily had already sat, her back against the headboard, legs tucked beneath her. James drew the snitch she'd given him out of his pocket, running his fingers over the cool gold ball softly.

Sirius said, "Well, we let them have a trial go at it. The little shites were setting off firecrackers down in the corridors and we got them off from getting caught by Filch, and showed them the map."

"Hang on, you showed it to them already?"

"Yeah, showed'em how it works and even let them have a go at it. They came back with loads of Honeydukes. Didn't take them long to go thundering down Grunhilda's passage."

"Dirty," Lily murmured.

Sirius grinned at her, eyes sparkling, and went to make a comment, but James cut him off, "You did all that without me?"

"Well you were sort of busy, see," Sirius explained, "Getting your Birthday Boinks down in Edinburgh."

"Birthday Boinks," Lily giggled.

James looked at Lily.

"What? It's funny, Potter, don't act like you're not amused!"

James looked back at Sirius, "But we ought to have given up the map all together!"

"We didn't give it up," Sirius said, waving the parchment at James, "They only had it a couple hours, I saw to it they brought it back. I think we should have a proper initiation ceremony when the time comes. A sort of swearing in. We could have Peeves officiate and everything and --"

James rolled his eyes, and rolled so his head was in Lily's lap and she smiled down at him, brushing the hair off his forehead.

Suddenly there was a hoot of frustration from Remus, "I bloody hate this game!" he announced, and he took out his wand and send the whole set falling onto the floor.

Peter leaped up, "Sore loser! Sore loser!" he shouted, "You couldn't find a move I couldn't win against, could you!?"

Remus was red faced and he flipped over so his back was turned to the others as Sirius guffawed loudly and Lily raised her eyebrows, trying not to burst into laughter.

Peter looked at the others, "I bloody beat REMUS at chess!" he exclaimed.

"Good one Pete," James murmured, eyes closed.

Hundreds of miles away, in a valley surrounded by high peaks of mountains, at the edge of a stream, figures moved through shadows toward a burning bonfire. The fire flickered and danced, reaching high into the night, sparks showering over the edge of the water, which glowed an orange reflection. The hooded figures moved delicately, and hesitated before stepping into the circle of light.

Three of four giants who sat on huge rocks and logs around the fire stood up, and one lowered a thick spear, whose head had been whiddled from a boulder. The tip was stained with blood. The spearhead gently nudged the closest hooded figure threateningly.

Pale hands reached up and lowered the hood. Silvery eyes shifted to look up at the giants. "My name is Lucius Malfoy," the man announced carefully, his voice like tepid water, calm and even. Calculated. He stared up at the giant wielding the spear. He flicked two fingers and one of the wizards behind Lucius stepped forward, bowing and lowering  a tray filled with golden galleons piled so high it resembled the mountains surrounding them. "We bring a gift to the Gurg," he said, "From the Dark Lord, Voldemort."

The Marauders: Year Seven Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now