Heirs to the Marauderhood

Start from the beginning

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Sirius cried.

"Because you ought to be studying!" Lily answered indignantly.

"And did you do a lot of studying in Edinburgh this weekend, Lilith?" Sirius asked.

James replied, "A good deal of it." He had unfolded the map and whispered the words to send the spidery writing all across the parchment, a feeling welling up inside of him something akin to opening a favorite book.

Sirius said, "I'm sure you did." Then, "Anyway, enjoy it while it lasts, Prongsy. We've found our heirs to the marauderhood."

James looked up. "Say what now?"

Sirius glanced over his shoulder. The Fat Lady was listening, though she tried to cover that fact up when Sirius's eyes turned to her - suddenly turning to look at a hand mirror and pretending to primp her hair. Sirius looked back at James and Lily, "C'mon, let's go up to the dormitory where she won't be listening in."

They hurried up to the dormitory, where Peter and Remus were playing chess. Remus looked up from the board as they entered, Sirius bursting through the door first, followed by Lily and James. "I told him not to go pounce on you," Remus said, seeing how disheveled James's hair was and drawing conclusions, correctly, that Sirius had followed through with the pouncing.

"He loved it," Sirius said, flinging himself onto what they'd come to call the extra bed - or else the bed previously known as Sirius's. He crossed his legs at his ankles, his boots up on the footboard of it, and grinned up at James and Lily. "And Lilth here got jealous."

"Jealous is hardly the word," Lily replied.

"She got him with a brilliant impediment jinx," James supplied, smirking, as he pushed opened his trunk and unceremoniously dumped his entire rucksack from their days away right in. 

Peter made a move on the board and one of his pieces smashed one of Remus's, sending little bits of wizard chess piece flying over the carpet as Remus sat up straighter in surprise, apparently having not anticipated the move Pete had made. Remus stared, dumbfounded, then his brow furrowed and he leaned back down, determination setting his features.

"I was just about to tell Prongs about our little experiment," Sirius announced, propping his head up with his hand.

"Yes, the heirs to the marauderhood as you called it?" James said, kicking his trunk shut. "What's gone on while I was away?"

Remus murmured, "Heirs to the Marauderhood? Couldn't be more dramatic, could you?"

Sirius grinned up at the ceiling as Peter said, "It's Sirius, I doubt anyone on the entire earth could be more dramatic."

"You all bloody love it," Sirius said.

"I'm sorry, am I going to actually get an answer?" James asked.

Lily smirked at James's frustration and the quite evident enjoyment Sirius was getting out of dragging along the suspense. 

Sirius flung his feet down from the bed frame suddenly, sitting up to face James, and announced, "We've selected DWO as our heirs to the Marauders Map." 

James stared at him. "And?"

"What do you mean and?!" Sirius demanded, "That's bloody big news!"

"That's bloody expected news, more like! I thought we agreed a long time ago it would be the seagulls that would get the map?" he looked 'round to Remus and Peter. Remus was biting his tongue as he looked over the pieces, and Peter shrugged. James looked at Sirius, "You're going on like I never thought of those three for the role."

The Marauders: Year Seven Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now