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Feb 7.
I joined the gym on the 3rd. I've been eating quite good. I weighed my self yesterday and on the 3rd and I'm at 215lbs. I've been running a mile every day since I started. Yesterday I did 50 minutes on the treadmill.

March. 29
The gym is closed because of the coronavirus. I went to the track early and ran and walked for 1 hours. I already took 8,000 steps and plan on going later again to finish my 10,000 steps. I'm also starting a water fast for as long as I can. I plan a 30 day fast but knowing me I don't know how long I will be able to go. Today is day 1 of the water fast. I feel amazing after the run.

July 7
I'm having a hard time keeping up I keep trying to get in the routine to eat healthy and exercise but I keep getting off track. Ive been going to the gym 4 days out of the week for the last 3 weeks. People tell me I look normal now but the scale still doesn't change. I've been told it could be muscle gain since I love doing weights but I still see myself and see a huge me. I still get comments that I'm loosing weight and that motivates me all the time to start again. I am trying to eat healthy and being constant with my exercise. I now know that a calorie deficit will help me loose weight but I eat too much. That's the real problem is that I can't control my hunger.

I might have a binge eating disorder because I have at least 2-3 episodes a week where I don't care what I eat and I eat a lot until I'm about to explode. I'm always super hungry even I know when enough is enough but I just somehow don't have control and eat large amounts of food.
I'm trying to keep up with this blog and journey im not giving up yet. I'm still trying to loose weight and as I said at the beginning I'm not going to stop until I'm at my goal even if it takes years. I'm trying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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