October (I'm back)

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I went through some stuff. I wasn't ready to continue writing things down and everything with my diet so I just completely stopped but I'm back. I also went on vacation and when I came back I started a new job. I'm going to cut out sugary drinks again, eat nothing except foods made at home or fruits and vegetables. life got messy but my life's getting back on track. I haven't gone to the gym since the last time I wrote on Wattpad. My work schedule is so different from the last one I wake up at 4:30am everyday except Sundays when I don't work and I always come back home tired and end up sleeping early every time. Im still not used to my schedule and it's been officially a month of working there.

I'm coming back to finish what I started. I probably gained back all the weight I had lost. My stress levels were out of control and I ate so much these past two months. I also haven't checked my weight since the last weigh in. Starting October 1st which is tomorrow I'm hitting the gym and checking my weight. Starting from the beginning again and it's going to go great!

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