July 9-24

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July 9
The only exercise I did today was walk around at work and 100 jump ropes. Today I didn't go run a mile. I had 152oz of water. (9waterbottles)I broke my water fast today and ate a watermelon and a cantaloupe.

I woke up from a nightmare. It was super scary and weird but anyways I woke up at around 7:30Am. Again was not in the mood to do anything but I forced myself up and went to go run a mile. I did 100 jump ropes and a few pushups. I'm very week in my arms so I want to work on them and get rid of the flaps I have. I came home and started cleaning and washing my clothes. It is currently 3:13pm and I've only had three water bottles so I need to step it up. I go to work at 5 and come home at 9. I came back from work and went straight to the track, did 150 jump ropes, I don't get tired as quick anymore. I only had 6 water bottles which make 101 Oz of water. I didn't run a mile again but I did walk a lap and did two fast sprints as well as push-ups and a few stairs. Today what I ate were three slices of pineapple, And two cups of grapes. I am not as hungry as I always am. I've noticed I've been able to control my hunger. My mom brought me subway but I had control over myself and didn't eat it. I'm planning on going shopping tomorrow for sure and buy some healthy groceries. I honestly feel amazing, I'm motivated and happy with myself for once. I don't see changes but I'm never giving up.

I've been getting food information from instagram and I'm going to try out new healthy recipes as well.

Today I did a 30 second plank, 30 crunches, and 25 toe touches. I decided to not go run a mile today but I did do 100 jump ropes. I ate quite a bit today. I had grapes and half a cantaloupe. I got home from work and I bought a snack at the store that contained cheese,pepperoni,and crackers a total of 300 sum calories. I also had more grapes with pecans. I should have said anything, but now I'm starting to get really hungry. The total calorie came up to 1,025 calories. My total water intake was 118 oz.

July 12
I did put an alarm at 7:00am to go run but I totally turned it off and went back to sleep. I woke back up at 9:00 and that's the time I actually forced myself up and went to run. I felt pretty energized but as soon as I started running I felt so tired again. I started off my warmup with 100 jump ropes, moved on to run a mile in 14.10 minutes. Lately my miles have been around 14 minutes and I get tired after one lap. I did go grocery shopping yesterday and bought chicken breast along with, watermelon, grapes, eggs, whole wheat bread, and a few other groceries my mom needed. I forgot to buy my almond milk and avocado for my avocado toast I was going to make today. I told my self I wasn't going to have other drinks besides water,tea, and almond milk but I also got coconut water just because it's really good for you. I had more than 8 water bottles today 135oz but I didn't keep track of it because I was over at a friends house. We are starting to dance and I feel like it will be a great workout for me. It is currently 10:00pm right now and I'm feeling really hungry but I controlled my self and drank a whole water bottle to stop the feeling. It kind of worked I'm not hungry as I was earlier.

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