The Best Laid Plans

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Romulus and Lyra pulled the car to a stop a few blocks away and got out. Lyra glanced around at the apartment buildings that surrounded them, scanning the windows.

"We're walking from here?" she asked. Romulus nodded, strapping his sword back to his side.

"We have a better chance of catching them off guard this way. My car is a bit distinctive."

"Gee, what's distinctive about the world's most expensive hybrid sports car with a pair of snarling wolves on the hood and bright blue headlights?" she said with a laugh. Rome grinned.

"I don't allow myself many toys. This is one of them."

"I like your toys." she said with a teasing smile. Romulus' eyes heated as he caught her double meaning.

"We'll be sure to spend some time playing with them once this is done." he promised.

She slipped her arm through his as they began to stroll towards the council hall. They looked like a typical couple just taking a walk. If you didn't see the sword strapped to Romulus or the gun holstered at her side, that is.

The Shielders in the area were conspicuously absent and Romulus slowed his walk. His instincts began humming as he took in the empty streets that only grew quieter as they approached the street the council hall was on. He caught a glint in a window and suddenly turned, lifting Lyra up and burying his head against her neck.

"They have guards posted in the windows." He informed her as he nuzzled her neck. She let out a throaty laugh and wove her fingers through his hair.

"How do you want to handle this? Take them out? They could just be outliers."

"I don't want to take that chance with you. We can go back."

"Or get closer and see what we can see. Nothing says we can't just keep walking."

He took a deep breath. She was right. They hadn't been made yet. She swatted at his head lightly with a giggle.

"Wait until we get home, greedy vampire," she said out loud. He let her slide down.
"If you insist." he purred. They continued their walk and within minutes heard the sound of footsteps behind them. Now they had been made. By the missing Shielders, no less.

"Should I shoot them?"

"No. Conserve ammunition as my brother didn't give you any to reload that ridiculous toy with. It will only alert the others to a problem. And there are others."

His mental voice was grim and she thought for a moment. She was a liability to him right now with his experience. She smiled as an idea came to her.

"Is it possible to draw from your memory so I can help you fight these idiots?"

He smiled. "Theoretically. But it hasn't ever been attempted by anyone I know."

"Neither was turning a faery succubus into a vampire but that didn't stop us from succeeding."

"Alright then. Just... be careful in those memories. And try not to judge me harshly."

The vulnerability in his suddenly soft mental voice touched a chord and she put her head on his shoulder as they slowed their walk.

"Nothing I see will change the way I feel for you."

He stopped at a bench and sat her down, crouching in front of her with adoring eyes. Both were acting like they weren't acutely aware of the groups working their way around them. He met her eyes and opened that final door into his mind.

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