Wings with that?

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She snuggled down next to them and for a few precious minutes just absorbed the love as Antares tucked her against him sleepily.

Sudden pain in Lyra's mouth had a startled sound of pain escaping. Both men woke instantly. Romulus tilted her face to his as he knelt in front of her.

"A burning in your stomach and your mouth?" he asked. She nodded, her hands clutching her stomach. "Just breathe. It is normal. We very rarely lose a transition from faery to a vampire."

"I thought you had to bite me." she whimpered as another pain struck her. Antares slid on his knees behind her and turned her face into his chest. Romulus' voice remained calm even as he lifted pained eyes to Antares.

"Not for a faery. Especially a breed of faery so close to a vampire. I've even joked with Antares about how a faery incubus is just an evolved vampire."

"You'll be fine." Antares soothed. She reached back for Romulus and he slid closer until she was sandwiched between the two of them.

"Sing for me," she asked. "Do that and I can get through anything."

Without hesitation, Antares began singing the same ballad he had sung to woo Romulus. It made the other man smile through the worry. He was trying to soothe them both. He rested his head on her shoulder and let him. He felt himself drifting as the lilting voice of his mate was joined by the steadying heart rate of his other.

When he heard another heartbeat join that one, he slid his hand to where his sword was still by the bed.

"Relax, Romulus." Lethe's amused voice came from the shadows. Romulus looked up. "I was just checking in. Everything alright? There was some heavy magic in here a few minutes ago."

"She's a succubus transitioning into a vampire, Lethe," Romulus answered. "Not a good time for you to be here." Low growling started rumbling from her chest when Lethe stepped closer to the bed. "I mean it, faery. We'll be fine. How much time do we have left?"

"Not much. The day is almost up." Lethe said.

"So come back when it is. We've got this. We won't need the hunter. We're past the danger."

"You're sure?" Lethe asked, backing away as her eyes started to glow an eerie blue. Romulus smiled.

"Yes, I'm sure. We passed the dangerous part like it didn't even exist. Now scram." Lethe smiled and vanished. Romulus pressed his head against hers'. "He's gone."

"I didn't like him going towards you." she managed, the glow in her eyes fading.

"That's just your protective streak. You'll learn to manage it," he assured as Antares kept singing. She gasped as another pain struck.

"Where did that hurt?" he asked concerned.

"My back."

He ran his hands over her back and she whimpered. He moved his hands.
"Did I hurt you?"

She shook her head. "That didn't hurt. That felt good. Really good."

Romulus pushed back the fire that rose at the purr in her words and let his hands rest lightly. Knowledge dawned in his eyes shortly before she let out a scream that silenced Antares. Romulus gripped his hand briefly in reassurance before moving back.

"Back up, Antares," he said. Antares snarled a protest. "She's going to need room, my love. Sing. That's what she asked you to do."


There was a rustle and there was a gasp. Romulus went down and made eye contact with her as her eyes fought between blue and red. "We've got you," he said softly.

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