I giggle at his tone of voice "Im sorry I would love to but I'm gonnaa hang with aria- uhm with Ashley, we have plans for a girls day" I almost slip. I don't know if Ariana wants the others to know if we're hanging out.

Alex nods "that's alright, I hope you have fun" . I grin politely "thank you"

An odd silence falls between us. I take a bite of my meal and clear my throat "look uh I think your an amazing guy, and last night I had a blast..." I trail off.

The look in his eyes was unreadable as he looked up at me from his plate "but?" He pushes.

I...I can't do it, he's a great guy, I just need time, I'll like him as much as he likes me eventually I just need to be with him more....right?

I decide against 'breaking up' with him even though we're not even dating yet. "But...I think we should take it slow, your a great guy and I want this to work out" I save myself.

Alexs' demeanor changes completely, "oh you scared me! Of course! Me too y/n, I like you a lot" he says with a smile. I try my best to give him a smile back but all I feel is guilt.

We finish up breakfast with conversations every now and then. We must have been there for a while because it's already 12pm and the hotel staff are picking up around the dinning area.

"I'll probably meet up some of the guys to explore the city, I'll see you later?" He says. I nod

"I'll probably do that too, but with the girls" I respond. "Ok,uh bye y/n" he leans in.

I force myself to push down the feeling of disgust and disinterest and lean in too. I give him a peck on the lips.

I pull away and notice the smile on his face.

"Woah when did this happen?!" Someone asks from behind us. I jump slightly and turn around to see Amy.

"I'm gonna go, see you around y/n" Alex stutters and walks away.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I look at Amy who looks shocked , an eyebrow raised.

I shrug "it just did". "Mhmm, still ship you and ari though" she mumbles the last part. I blush slightly.

"Where you headed?" I ask. She looks towards the doors to leave the hotel. "I was gonna meet up josh and Ashley to walk around here and Beverly Hills" she says.

"Oh! Do you mind if I tag along? I kinda sorta got nothing to do" I question. She shakes her head "I don't mind at all, common girl!"

I giggle as she hooks her arm with mine and drags me outside.

I end up walking around with them for a little bit and it was very nice and relaxing. I walk back to the hotel as I realize it's nearly 6 and I get to see Ariana!

I'm so excited I can't wait to see her beautiful face and-. Wait what? I open up my phone as I walk through the lobby doors, entering the hotel to text ariana to let her know I'm here.

As soon as I'm about to press send I look up to see a big group of people surrounding someone. Its literally a mob, who's in the middle?

"Thank you guys but I have to be somewhere, I love you with all of my heart though" I hear a high pitched and soft voice say.

My heart warms, I know who it is. I walk through the loads of arianators and push past the parents of the fans to get to ari.

"Omg guys! It's y/n!" Someone shouts causing everyone else to squeal. Jesus I'm not even famous how do they know me, I guess if you do something even as simple as look at ariana , her fans know about you.

I chuckle and wave to everyone around me as I'm finally beside ariana. She has yet to notice my presence as she's signing her autograph on someone's shirt, her back towards me.

I wrap my arms around her waist from behind her. I feel her tense up. "It's just me, I'll help you out of here" I say softly in her ear. She relaxes in my arms when I assure her I'm not just a stranger. I feel her get the goosebumps. Maybe she's just cold?

"Thank you guys but Ariana needs to be somewhere, please give her room" I say. Everyone separates, creating a free and open walkway.

I detach myself from ariana and we move towards the elevators. When we enter she waves at all of her fans as the doors shut.

"That was hectic" I chuckle . She grins and looks at me "yeah, but I love my fans and thank you for helping me"

I nod "of course superstar". I feel my stomach do flip flops as she just looks at me. What I'm feeling with Ariana is the opposite of what I feel when I'm with Alex. Everytime I'm with her it just feels...right.

"I didn't get to greet you properly, so...hey?" She says tippy-toeing and extending her arms at me. I grin and embrace her.

This is what I love. Feeling warm inside and out. She smells so good and she's so tiny I just want to pick her up and squeeze her.

My arms snake around her waist and my chin on her shoulder, she's a little shorter than me but I don't mind , I find it so cute that she's small.

Her arms are still around my neck and her face is snuggled into my neck. I frown when she pulls away.

"Bummer...we couldn't get snacks" she says with a pout that I just want to kiss right off of her.

I shrug "who says we still can't?". She raises an eyebrow at me "what are you insisting mrs.y/l/n?"

"We can go up to my room and disguise you, then sneak into the gift shop unnoticed!" I beam. She giggles, which...FUCKING ADORABLE. God ariana why do you have to be so cute?!

"We can't try, but my fans know me so they'll immediately recognize that I'm trying to hide" she says. I smirk at her "but I have something amazing planned grande"

It's in the way she moves ( Ariana/you )Where stories live. Discover now