Mortals Meet Multiple- "Goodbye, Eloise."

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Poseidon figured it was about time to tell Percy. It had been 13 years since the Titan War. It had been 8 years since Eloise was born. It was time for her to go to Camp Half Blood.

"Percy, we should talk."

Percy was confused. His dad was not usually very formal. "Yeah, Dad? What's up?"

Poseidon sighed. "You know how I told you about getting some new siblings, say 13 years ago. I want you to collect Eloise. Monsters are appearing at her school. She's only 8, but I think it's time."

Percy paused. "I have a sister?"

"Yes. She lives in Vermont. Would you mind telling her mother, Catalina Hunter?"

Percy shook his head. "No, of course not. Off we go!"

Percy and Annabeth knocked on the door of apartment number 321. A woman with brown hair answered. "Hello, I am Percy Jackson, this is my wife, Annabeth, and these are our kids."

The oldest kid, about 9, introduced them. "I'm Lukas, this is my twin, Charles. That girl is Serena and the other is Zoey. Bobby is the little kid," he said as he pointed to each of them.

Catalina smiled. "Is it time?"

Annabeth nodded. "I wanted to take her to offer safe passage. Poseidon himself warned us that monsters were appearing and he told Percy that he wanted his kids to meet. It doesn't hurt that Percy and I are both exceptionally trained."

Catalina sighed. "Come in. You won't fit, but I suppose you won't be here for long anyways.

Catalina sniffed. Her daughter was leaving. She adored Eloise. However, she didn't want her daughter to die. "Can... Can I... at least see where she will be going?"

Annabeth nodded. "Fleecy, would you mind showing us Camp Half Blood?" she asked after her son made a screen of mist and tossed a coin in. An image rippled into view.

It was beautiful. There were strawberries in some fields. There were some have pavilions and inspiring Greek designs. There was also a huge statue out a goddess in the corner of her vision.

Luke jumped up. "Oh! There's a lava wall, and an archery range, and a weapons room, and a lake, and oh, yeah you have cabins, and..." he was muffled by his mother, who put a hand on his mouth.

"Don't worry, it's perfectly safe. There are adults there who know what they are doing and plenty of nature spirits around with motherly instincts. Eloise will be fine. Plus, as you can see, we can keep in touch."

Just then, Catalina noticed families. There were families. Some green tinted people were in clusters with small people with goat legs. There were families walking around and talking with old friends. She wanted her daughter in that environment. "Who are they?" she pointed at some people.

Percy smiled. "Leo!" he shouted.

A skinny man looked up. "Bro! Long time no IM! Oh, yeah, Sunshine says hi to Annie."

His kids were jumping up and down with excitement. "Uncle Percy! Aunt Annie!"

Annabeth twitched at that. "Leo," she warned.

Leo just smirked in reply. "What can I say, your name is too long."

She sighed. "Hi, guys, say hello to your mommy for me. Give her a hug and a kiss, too."

The trio nodded and ran off. Leo chased after them.

Catalina noticed another couple. There was a man with black hair and a woman with brown hair. The man was holding a toddler. There were twin girls in front of them, playing in the sand. There was an older girl about 11 having a sword fight with one about 6. The woman looked very pregnant. The family seemed to notice the staring. They looked up.

"Hey, Percy. Guys, look who it is," the man said.

They were soon crowded by the small children. "Charles! Lucas! Zoey! Serena! Bobby! Aunty Annabeth! Uncle Percy! Who's that?" they asked, pointing to Eloise.

"I'm Eloise, I'm coming soon. Who are you?"

"We're legacies of Hades and Bellona. I'm Hannah. I'm 6 years old. That's my brother, Haden, those are Maria and Bianca, and Bella is our big sis. Mama's going to have a baby soon, too. I think it's gonna be a girl. So do Maria and Bianca. Haden and Bella think it's a boy. Who are your godly parents?"

Eloise shrugged. "I didn't know who he was before today. I don't know."

Catalina paused. "Poseidon."

"Cool! You can control water! That's awesome. I can talk to ghosts. Mama doesn't like it when I summon them to the kitchen, though. Daddy thinks it's funny. He tells them to go back home. They listen to him."

Eventually, they left. They took her daughter with them. They took her daughter to a camp full of people with crazy powers. Eloise called every week. At the end of summer, she picked her daughter up.

Eloise had learned a lot. She had been living with the Jackson family in the Poseidon cabin. She could manipulate water and Annabeth made sure she was caught up to her grade level.

Eloise had a weapon. Her baby carried a weapon in her at all times in case of an attack. The weapon went straight through her when Eloise was demonstrating. She had deadly accuracy.

Over the years, Eloise went on quests. She became friends with the people there. On her 14th birthday, she asked to go to boarding school. She wanted to go to Camp Jupiter.

Catalina agreed. Eloise would be happy, and that was what mattered to her. Plus, her daughter made sure to call every month.

Eloise got invited to weddings. Her demigod friends learned to marry young and stay true. Catalina went with her daughter when she was allowed, but often she was not. She felt separated from her daughter.

Eloise started dating, too. She fell for a nice young man. He was a son of Mercury and a legacy of Mars. His name was Jacob. When he was 19, he asked if he could marry Eloise.

Catalina was happy. Her daughter would be happy. She had seen the effect of Jacob in her life. She had seen Jacob plenty of times. He was not a bad influence. He loved her daughter.

The wedding was when they had both turned 20. The flower girl was a young girl named Amelia. She was an angel and everyone loved her. She was actually the daughter of that couple she sas back when she had agreed to send Eloise to Camp Half Blood.

Catalina was happy. She had lived a long life. She had seen 97 years. She didn't need to see anymore. She had a lovely daughter and a kind son-in-law, she had 3 grandchildren, and she had 8 great-grandkids. What more could an old lady want?

She closed her eyes. She was a waiting room. At the end, there was a man in a boat. She handed him her drachma. She hopped on the boat.

"Goodbye, Eloise."

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