Chapter one: Party

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Stan's P.O.V

"I can't believe where going to our first highschool party!" Kyle exclaimed from the passenger seat.

I nod. "Me neither. Your lucky you get to be my plus one to the party." I say.

Where only sophomores, and it's just the start of the year, so where still basically freshmen.

Me, being the football star I am, made quarter back for the football team, and with being quarter back, I get invites to all of the cool parties.

It's was a seniors party. I don't even know his name, I just know he's cool and this would be one of the coolest parties or something.

A lot of my friends are going though, most of them being plus ones to their senior cousins or bribing the host for a invite.

Kyle nods. "Yeah, but it's kinda you have to bring me cause I'm your boyfriend." He says.

I laugh a bit. "How does that mean I have to bring you?" I asked. "Because I'll get angry, and you'll feel guilty.. all of that stuff." Kyle says.

I shrug and laugh a bit.

Soon enough, where there. The house was pretty big, maybe the size of tokens.

We go inside, and within twenty minutes, where drunk and hanging out with all of our friends.

Kenny pulls out a bottle of some drink. He hands it craig, which he begins drinking it.

Craig and Kenny have been together for a couple months now, so this was normal.

Kyle raises an eyebrow. "What's that?" Kyle asks. Craig shrugs. "Not sure. Kenny gave it to me one day. He said one of his friends gave it to him."

Kyle puts his hand out. "Can I try?" He asks. Craig shrugs and hands it to him.

Kyle takes a swig. "It's really sweet.." he said. Craig nodded. "Yeah, but I like it still." He said, taking it back.

The rest of the night was spent drinking and partying.

Me and Kyle stumble into my house. My parents are gone, probably out partying as well.

We make our way to my room, and before you know it, where having sex. Like. Aggressive sex. Really aggressive sex. Like seriously. Kyle's ass was sore for awhile.

"And that's what happened." I finished explaining to the doctor, blushing, a little flustered that I had to explain that night to him.

"Did you use any special lubricant maybe? Did you use a condom?" He asked.
"We used our normal lubricant.. stuff from a squeeze bottle... and we didn't use a condom. We don't need one—- we've post been checked for STDS and he can't get pregnant or anything." Is say. The doctor nods and writes a couple things down.

Kyle sits beside me, clutching my arm. I kiss him in reassurance. For the last three months he's been throwing up. Why did we wait so long? Because Kyle didn't wanna come to the hospital.

We eventually did though, only if I can with him. We really only went because Sheila noticed how much he's been throwing up—- not to mention the lack of appetite, the fact he's gone up two shoe sizes, and the weight gain.

"Well... Mr Broflovski. It marvels us... but congratulations! Your pregnant!" The doctors said.

We both stared at him, like he was missing his nose. Pregnant? That's ridiculous! He's a boy!

Kyle began laughing. "I'm not pregnant!" He snorted. "I'm a boy, it's impossible. You may be a doctor, but even a student like me knows that!"

The doctor sighed. "We have no idea how you are. We can prove it to you, just come this way." He said.

We both nod, Kyle still snickering a bit. I didn't know how to react. He was a boy, I am a boy. Neither of us can get pregnant—- and plus, we've been having sex for like over a year now. This hasn't happened before.

We head off to a room. In the room, it was nicely decorated—- and it had an ultrasound machine. I guess this was one way to prove it.

The doctor gets Kyle set up in the chair and I sit down beside him, the doctor on the other side of Kyle.

He spreads a gel across Kyle's belly, which was poking out a bit—- and rubs a wand like item across it.

Then it shows up on the screen. The outline of a baby. I stare at it, and begin to cry. Kyle stares at it.

"W-what?! This machine is broken!" He said, tearing up a bit.

I grab him, and rub his shoulder. "Kyle.." I whisper. He looked at me. "Stan I'm not pregnant! Where not ready to be parents!"

I kiss him. "I know.. but where gonna have to be.. where having a baby..." I whisper, wiping my eyes.

"Stan.." he begins to cry. We hug eachother. "I can't have a baby.. where not even juniors yet!" He cried.

"Well.. if you want, we can put them up for adoption after their born.. or keep them—- it's your choice. Your the one who's actually pregnant.." I say.

He looks down. "Stan.. we might have to.. we can't care for them..." Kyle says. He crys more. "I feel so bad.. but we can only give them a good life if we do.."

I nod, kissing him. The doctor gives us a picture of the ultra sound and we head back. Sheila is in his office, ready for an explanation.

She eyeballs us. "So what happened?" She asked. "I'm pregnant!" Kyle blurts out.

"What?! What?! What?!" Sheila yelled.

I show her the picture. He looks at me with a death glare. "Mom.. where gonna put it up for adoption.." Kyle says. "You better!" She yelled.

He nods and we head out to the car. I'm in the back seat, and Sheila and Kyle are on the front.

I'm gonna be a dad.. but I'm not gonna get to even have our baby.. this is gonna be tough.
998 words.
So, I wanted to try something with a cool transition—- also ignore how bad the end is lol

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