Chapter 15 - Chances New and Old

Start from the beginning


Three years earlier

God, she's beautiful.

Jin was staring at his friend again. He couldn't help it. Daeyang was gorgeous. That silky black hair falling in waves over her shoulders, round dark eyes, beautiful pale skin and thick lips, she looked like an ethereal angel in Jin's eyes.

She glanced up at him, a small smile falling on her lips, and Jin blushed and looked away, though not before shooting a small smile back. His hands were shaking. He had already committed to what he planned to do today, but the thought of actually approaching Daeyang as more than a friend scared him to death.

Oh yeah, Jin was in deep. He'd known Daeyang since he was a kid, but they'd been through a period where they hadn't seen each other for years. She had moved away from Jin's hometown when they were ten, and then she went to study abroad in America after she'd finished her schooling. When Jin finally saw her again, she had changed dramatically. His sweet, adorable best friend had suddenly changed to look like an angel, and Jin was struck in the heart by Cupid's arrow at first sight.

Okay, maybe he had had a crush on her since they were kids. But that had just been the feelings of a ten year old kid with no intention of actually acting on them. When he had met Daeyang in the airport upon her return to Korea a few months earlier, his feelings had blown up. Now, he was sitting in an office job with her, and he was about to finally get up his courage to ask her out on a date.

It wasn't like they hadn't talked while she had been away. They had. But seeing Daeyang in person had an entirely different effect on Jin than hearing her voice over the phone, or reading texts from her. They had never actually done a video call due to the extreme distance and time difference, so when Jin had met Daeyang again, the change was striking.

Jin came off as cocky and slightly narcissistic to people, though he was well liked. But the truth was, while he cracked jokes about being beautiful to an extent no one else could reach, deep down he was the same shy boy he had been when Daeyang left. He might put on a brave face, but asking his childhood friend out would probably require more courage than anything Jin had ever done.

He took a deep breath. Their shift was almost over. It was time.

Jin walked over to his friend's desk, leaning against the wall in an attempt to play off his nervousness. She looked up at him and smiled, dimples appearing on her cheeks. Jin fought off a blush he knew was threatening to rise.

"Hey there, Jin."

"Hey, Daeyang. How's it going?"

"Meh. Same as always."

Jin chuckled. "I know that feeling."

The two exchanged a bit of small talk, waiting for the shift to end. Jin took a deep breath a few minutes later, gathering his courage. This was it.

"Daeyang?" He tried to keep his voice from shaking.

She looked up at him, smiling. "Mm?"

"I- I have something to ask you."

"Yeah, what's up?" Her smile faded a bit, his nerves must have shown through. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I- shoot. This is really awkward for me to ask, Daeyang, but... would you- would you like to... maybe go get a coffee or something sometime?"

Daeyang blinked. "Coffee? You mean... like a date?"

Jin was blushing furiously at this point, but he managed to nod, unable to make eye contact with her. He braced himself for rejection.

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