|4| You Sure This is a Shortcut?: Part IV

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All four of us get in the black Honda, with Leonardo in the driver’s seat. I notice there is a big box inside the car, which Donatello slowly places on his lap. That must be the cake. I barely feel something under my green bi-digit foot. I look down and it’s a plastic staff of sorts.

“What is all this?” I Michelangelo, ask.

“What are the TMNT without their weapons?” says Donatello.

“Oh yeah totally forgot the weapons, which one is mine.” Raphael asks looking at the driver Leonardo.

Leonardo says, “Yours is the pair of Sai, they look like pointy swords, Donnie you take the bo-staff, Mikey you take the Nunchakus, and the swords are mine.”

I hand out everybody’s weapons to them and then grab my own. Leo stops the car and I look up. It seems like a super market. What now?

“Donnie come on!” Leo says as he parks the car in the parking lot and gets out. Donnie lifts the cake ever so carefully, I put my Nunchakus away and take the cake from him and place it slowly in my lap. Then he finally takes off his stupid goggles. He gets out and follows his fellow turtle brother to the automatic gates of the market, they move closer to the exit side. By the door a man in a black uniform is standing on guard. He obviously looks alarmed. But Leo pays no mind; he keeps standing there with Donnie behind him. Then a moment later, the glass door sways open and out comes a woman with a large grocery bag. Standing next to her is a small boy, her kid obviously who jumps up at the sight of the world’s most loved turtles. Leo talks to the woman and she nods. Does he know her I mean she is totally all smiles and giggles. Then she hands her grocery bag to her son, and Leo turns around, she bends down a little and locks his shell. Next is Donnie's turn, she helps him out too. I am relieved.

They walk back to the car, and as Leo sits down he has the biggest smile on, “That went well, let’s see you top that!” he is somewhat taunting Raph.

He shifts gears and drives us back to the main road. He keeps north and then when we reach the park, takes a right turn.  He steers the car into one of the streets and parks outside the first house on the right.

Raph turns around and says, “Listen you guys, I will not tolerate mess ups, there are very simple rules. Do not let anyone figure out who you are, be very very careful with the weapons don't touch a single kid with them, don't hand your weapons to the kids, make absolutely sure they are entertained, if you make a single kid cry, dance on your stupid head until he laughs like crazy, DO NOT GIVE US A BAD NAME!!”

She turns around and opens the dash board, and pulls out a walkie takie. She presses the buttons, and speaks into the receiver, “This is Bravo, Sigma do you copy.”

In about another second a voice transfers its message, “Sigma here, who is my target boss?”

Target? Boss?

Bravo holds up the walkie talkie to her mouth, “Michelangelo, and the bag is in the car, retrieve it when no one is watching.”

“Copy that.” says the voice.

Hey wait a second I am Michelangelo. I'm the target?

She puts the walkie talkie away and pulls the giant turtle head over her head, it slips on and then she says,” Our voices will get muffled when we speak through these mouth pieces, so it’s highly unlikely any one recognizes us, okay then let’s go.”

But wait what is going on?

Everyone takes a minute and pulls their turtle heads on. My head is significantly big, my real head, so it gives me significant trouble pushing it through. Once I pull the foamy turtle head on, I notice the eyes are just little cut outs enough to let only your eyes peak out from the mask, blocking all peripheral vision. We all get out of our car.

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