|8| Quit It With The Acronyms: Part III

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"No." that is the truth and I am hoping he ignores it (because he is tripping.)

"What why not?"Wall-e cuts in suddenly.

"um well.."I only begin when, "Well neither have we, but that's because nobody ever tours here" Z is a bullet train too happy and too bouncy to take note of anything, "They think it's dangerous or something. And that is just nonsense I mean we live here don't we? Anyway, so this band is sorta like a makeshift band, I don't know if that makes sense, they don't have music of their own they sing other artists' songs and dress up like them to perform."

"No way! you could get sued for that in the US.' I say.

"Ha that's the best part about living here, no one knows how to sue or the meaning of it and nobody goes to the court anyway."

"Not even the judges." Wall-e adds with a laugh.

"And the stuff about the colors?"I ask.

"The people who show up are the ones to decide who the band has to dress up and perform as. So if you want Taylor Swift you gotta wear something red preferably a T shirt and it's blue for Sam Smith and black for Panic at the disco, tonight. And they change the scheme every time they perform you just gotta vote on the artist you want in the next scheme on their website. Who's the fourth one?"

"I think its Tokio hotel on green."Bravo replies.

"So they just dress up and sing the songs?"I ask a little disappointed. And despite Z being heavily cheerful peacock he notes this and says, "you have no idea, wait till you get there you'll know what the fuss is about."

I am so embarrassed of asking so brazenly that I try to cover it up by asking, "So what does your best friend play?"

"Ah man I love that guy!"Z announces with a sigh.

"Calm down and drive you're freaking me out!" Bravo says.

"My best friend happens to be THE most epic-est lead singer in the history of epic lead singers and when you see him dressed up as Taylor Swift tonight you'll know why.", he is beaming with the thoughts of a guy dressed up as Taylor swift and I wonder when I made the mistake of classing this guy normal. Because of the immediacy I am the only one who can see the goofy face he has plastered on. Something about his claim is freaking me out.

"Don't they like get into copyright issues?" I ask staring at the exuberant Z who is dreaming with his eyes open while driving the car.

"That's the thing these guys have been around for three years now and not once has any fan sued them or made a complaint. In fact they are so popular their shows are crowded, and it's all thanks to me that we even get in." Z declares while turning the wipers on.

"Don't forget Ritz." Bravo adds.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"A friend of mine who also happens to be the daughter of the guy who owns a lot of CSDs around here, so she's the one who gets the parking lots all ready for the band. And since we love them she gets us tickets too." Bravo explains.

"Wait, but then I don't have a ticket." I say.

"Don't worry, she called when we were getting out of the garage, I told her about you and she said I could bring anyone along," Bravo replies, "So it's cool, the only problem is who is going to take care of Annie while we are gone, cuz we won't be back until two?"

I turn around to look at Annie and she is fast asleep her head resting on Bravos shoulder.

"If you wanted to come too all you had to do was say it why did you have to bring her along? Mom will definitely notice that she's gone. They were sleeping in the same room." Bravo begins to chastise me when I say, "I didn't even know you guys were headed out, she brought me along."

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