THIRTY-FIVE: ew atlanta

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, here" Carl answers. He pauses for a minute before adding, "Every single day that goes by, I'm glad Glenn found my dad. Not just because he brought my dad back from the dead but because without my dad, we would've never moved to the prison and found you"

I feel a smile form onto my face as a happiness spread through my body. I give Carl's hand a tight squeeze as I rest my head onto his shoulders. "Thank god for Glenn Rhee and Rick Grimes then" I say with a small chuckle.

"Did someone say my name?" Glenn asks, his eyes gal ding up at the rear view mirror to see us.

I give Carl a little wink before turning to Glenn. "No one said you name Glenn" I lie.

"You sure? I could've sworn I heard it" he replies.

I shake my head, trying my hardest not to laugh. "Man are you starting to hear stuff now? Do
you need to get your hearing checked, old man?" I ask slyly.

Glenn laughs at my joke before responding with one of his own, "Yeah and how would I do that? Have a walker take a look at it?"

"I'm sure they would love to do that" Carl jokes. The whole truck chuckles at bit before it goes quiet. I wrap my arm around Carl's, locking us together. I slump down in my seat and rest my back against Carl's shoulder, pushing my legs on top of a sleeping Claire. As I feel Carl's hands start to run through my tangled hair I look out the side window that Tara was leaned against, also asleep. The increasingly tall buildings and highway debris pass by in a blur of brown and tan. It felt as thought the closer we got to the city, the more color disappeared. The sky was an ugly grey and the only trees I could see were a dusty brown. The excited feeling I had before was now slowly being replaced by an overwhelming feeling of danger that only kept growing. I tighly squeeze Carl's hand and it's momentarily takes away all my worries


"It should be just around the corner" Maggie tells Glenn, her arm outstretched and pointing to the turn ahead.

The entire truck full of people was awake now. As we pulled closer to Grady Memorial we all grew even more restless. The sound of the shuffling and shifting of bodied filled the truck as everyone drew their weapons. As Grady Memorial comes into view I realize, there was nothing there. There were no people, no walkers, no cars, nothing. The unsettling feeling of danger started to tie my stomach in a knot as I realized, we have no idea what we are getting in to. We had no idea whether or not the rest of the group was here, let alone if they were safe or not.

Glenn pulls in front of Grady Memorial and the truck comes to a halt. The moment Glenn shifts the heat of the truck into park Maggie pushes open her door and jumps out. Glenn quickly follows as I urge the the back row to get out of the truck faster.

I hop out of the truck, my feet landing on the hard concrete road in front of the hospital. I look up to find that past the chain link gate that separated the road from the hospital, there were dozens of walker bodies dead on the ground. I take a couple steps forward to allow Carl to hop out of the truck before I tighten my grip on my machete, ready to attack.

Maggie and Glenn lead the group forward towards the hospital. Carl, Claire, and I towards the middle of the group, all walking very closely. The three of us had our weapons ready as we stepped over the rotting bodies in the asphalt and passed the abandoned military looking tents. We kept walking until we reached a a second, smaller chain link gate that was left wide open.

Suddenly, I watch as the small door a couple feet away slowly opens with a creak. I slowly lower my weapon as Rick Grimes walks through the door, a rifle in hand. I glance over to see the relief in Carl's eyes now that he knew his dad was safe before quickly glancing back to watch for my dad. Tyreese and a limping Carol soon follow Rick along with Sasha and Noah. Finally, I get a glimpse of my dad's long hair as he walks out of the door and I let out a sigh of relief. That relief was soon replaced though as I notice the body my dad was holding.

My heart drops as I recognize the long blonde hair of the girl my dad was holding. I slowly bring my shaking hands up to my mouth as Maggie's heart-shattering cry echoes throughout the city. The closer my dad gets, the more clearly I can see the tears streaming down his face. I start to feel some tears build up on my eyes as the body of Beth Greene flop lifelessly in my own dad's arms, the blood on her head from what look like a gunshot wound, dried. My dad's head drops, fighting back his tears and I quickly grasp onto Carl's hand. I give his hand a tight squeeze and Carl returns it without either of us taking our eyes off of our lifeless friend, his hand being the only thing keeping me together.


woahh super short chapter i'm sorry! i promise i'll write more! also i'm going to start focusing back on the relation between carl and finn now so that they are the main point of the story. i hope you all enjoyed! lmk anything you would like to happen next! i'm always open to suggestions!

also are you guys ready for the second half of season 10?!?! :))))


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