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Cancer's POV:
Me, my brother and Pisces got all together in a circle, and we maintained in silence for maybe a minute, until i break the silence.
"Ok! I'm done with this silence! One of you! Come on!" I say almost yelling.
"How about you go first? You know what they say: 'Ladies first'" Says my brother with a serious face but a playful voice tone.
"Yeah, you go first. Come on head start! Your secret can't be as bad as mine." Says Pisces. I look at them both, and they look at me with a 'Please' face.
"Fine..." I say and roll my eyes. "Ok, where do I start?... Oh, I was caught shoplifting. Yeah that's my biggest secret." I lie.
"Cancer... You know that's not true..." Says Scorpio. "That's not your biggest secret, and you know it." Pisces looks at me and my brother and has a confused look. I let out a breath and I gain courage to reveal my secret.
"One year ago, I was with some friends hanging out in a park. It got late and everyone started to go home, I didn't have my phone with me so I just walked home. While in my way home, I encountered a man who was staring at me. I continued walking, and he started to chase me. I tried to run as fast as I could but he was faster. The only defense I had were my keys. So when he tried to grab me I stabbed him in his stomach and then in his chest, to make sure he was dead... So yeah that's my secret." I say with teary eyes. I wipe my tears and I try to not look sad. "So, who's next?"
"I'll go..." Pisces says. "When I was 12 my grandma got sick, she had lung cancer. We couldn't afford her medication so what did I do? I tried to file a restraining order with my parents by putting my grandmother's life in danger, so I could blame the hospital, and if we won we'd get the money and pay for her treatments. So one day I unplugged some things. Everything was doing fine for a few hours but then my grandma went into cardiac arrest, the doctors couldn't save her and she died, I killed my grandmother." He says and he stays there crying and sobbing while Scorpio pats his back and they hug for a while. "I'm sorry." Pisces he says.
"It's ok, we get it." I say. "Scorp you're up."
"Ok uhm, one day me and a couple of friends were playing truth or dare. I was stupid back then and I said dare, the dare was to bully a kid. I accepted the dare and I did it. I ran outside and looked for a random kid, I eventually found one, he seemed depressed so I thought 'Well he's already sad and depressed, it'll be easier to pick on'. I called him worthless, stupid, a dumbass, idiot and a disgrace. I went home and I felt like a king, I had bullied someone for the first time. And I felt superior to everyone. The next day, I wake up and I go downstairs I see my sister, and my dad in the kitchen looking at me with a disgusted look. And they told me that the kid I had bullied tried to commit suicide that day. I felt awful, a 13 year old who already has suicidal thoughts was bullied and was being pushed to suicide. The parents found him bleeding on his room with his arms cut. Luckily he was still conscious. I still feel horrible every time I wake up." Says my brother. He did a bad thing, a really bad thing but he's changed he's in therapy now and he controls how he feels now.
"I see you've revealed your secrets." Says Mr. Kyoto behind Pisces. "Now, to activate your powers, hold hands, close your eyes and say 'Virtus Aquae' until your powers are revealed." We all hold hands, close our eyes and we start to chant 'Virtus Aquae'.
"Virtus Aquae." We say simultaneously as I feel something through my spine.
"Virtus Aquae." We repeat. I start to feel my eyes widening.
"Virtus Aquae."
"Virtus Aquae." We say at last. We let go of hands and I  try to open up my eyes. As
I'm about to open them when I see a blue light I open my eyes. And I see Scorpio's and Pisces's eyes fully blue. When they open their eyes Professor Kyoto comes and says.
"Congratulations, you now have powers." We all look at each other and let go of a bright smile.

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