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When I get out of the plane I call my mum to say that everything went fine and that she doesn't need to worry.
"Hey mum, just got out the plane."
"Ok, remember: when you step into that school, they will not forgive your mistakes, you have to be the nice, well behaved boy that me and your father raised."
"Speaking about father, may I please talk to him?" I know he doesn't want to talk to me, after what I did, but I just want to say goodbye.
"Gemini, you know that he won't talk to you..." says my mom. I can feel sadness in her voice, but my anger takes over and all I can say is:
"Fine! You can tell him to go to hell!!"
"Gem-" I hang up on my mum, as she tries to lecture me. I know I did wrong, I was stupid, but I'm still their son, but sometimes I feel like I'm getting treated like rubbish.
I try to forget the conversation I had with my mum, and try to find a place where they exchange money. I find one and I immediately put myself on the line, luckily there's not many people to exchange their euros/dollars/pounds/etc. After getting my money exchanged I go search for the closest pay phone I can find, I see this girl who I think is confused, and is putting euros in it. When it's my turn I call a taxi to pick me up.
"Ah! Hello" says the man whose accent takes over while attempting to speak English.
"I need a taxi to come pick me up at the airport please." I say very clearly.
"Ah yes! Uh the taxi will pick you up in 10 minutes. Ok?"
"Yes of course thank you"
I wait about 7 minutes and the taxi is already here. Wow that was really quick.
"Hello, where you are going?" says an old man who's trying his best to speak English.
"St. Claudia's School for Troubled Youths"
"Ok ok." says the old man.
The ride is about 40 minutes long, and we try to make small talk, but then there's always the awkward silence which makes me feel really uncomfortable.
When we get there I ask:
"How much do I owe you?"
"That will be 134" looking back at my money I only brought 100, so I say very nicely:
"Look I'm really really sorry, but I only have 100, can't you please let it go just this time?"
"No, sorry me can't do it" says the old man who's starting to get a tad angry.
"Please I don't have enough money..."
"Well I have" says a girl who's behind me, then I realize that it's the girl from the airport, but it's not the one who was putting Euros in the pay phone it's the other girl. "Here you go"
"Thank you. Have a day good"
"Thank you for saving my ass, I'm really thankful." I say. She was really kind, I don't know what would've happened if she didn't pay.
"Oh no problem. I'm Aries" she takes out her hand to shake my mine.
"I'm Gemini."
"Oh and this is my friend Taurus." Looking at Taurus she seems like a pretty shy but good person.
"Hi." She says faking a smile. Not sure what's wrong with her, but I can tell she is not trying to be rude. "Look Aries, I really need to buy a thing, it's important." She turns around and turns back again. "Shit I forgot I need to exchange the money."
"Oh here you go, it's not like I'm going to need it." I say.
"No. No I can't, I'll just buy it another time."
"I'm not giving up, how much do you need?" She looks at me with a hesitant look, but she gives up and says:
"Fine, I need a 20. If possible of course." I hand her a twenty, and her face lights up.
"Thank you so much" she goes around asking people where she can find the nearest pharmacy, and me and Aries continue talking to each other.

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