He sighed, "I thought this was past you."

"How could this be past me? Your niece is trapped with that psychopath and you want me to do nothing?" My voice gets louder.

"Of course I want to do something, but this isn't it. You always go the wrong way Aiden just think for a second," he pleaded.

"I am thinking," I say to him "I'm thinking I want my sister back and I will do anything to do that."

"Even conspiring with the devil?"

"Sure if you want to put it like that," I stood up "I'll get your fence done and all your other chores done."

I put my cup in the sink and headed outside to the barn to grab the tools to fix this stupid fence.

Basically I've been my uncle's handy man this entire year. He had me fixing up his entire house while he did all the gardening. He claimed he was getting old and couldn't do most of the work but I think that's bullshit. He still pretty fit for his age. It just gives him an excuse to make me do work.

I got in the barn and searched for the tool box. I grabbed the box and walked all the way where I last stopped when fixing the fence.

My uncle has some much land. I mean so much. Besides the sunflower field, he has another field where he grew all his crops. No wonder why my father was made when his father gave my uncle the land, you were living okay with a farm when we had nothing.

I tend to think about my father a lot lately and just how things would probably be different if he weren't he way he was. He almost killed us all before he got killed. I wasn't trying to be like him. I didn't want to be like him, but at the same time I wasn't taught anything else.

I knew what I was doing though. I was much smarter and careful war than he was. Instead of betting on fights, I joined the fights and made sure I won. I never did any bad dealings and I sure as hell didn't sell every last thing that we owned.

I vowed never to be like him. I just wanted to keep my family alive. I did whatever I could, whatever I had too and I did things I shouldn't have, but I can't change that now. I can't go back all I can do is go forward.

All I can do is finished what I started.


It was near sunset when I nearly finished the stuff I was supposed to do. I finished the fence which I'm sure he'll be happy about and i almost was finished with the porch. I fixed up somethings in the barn, fed the cows and chickens and cleaned up the poop.

I was done.

I took my muddy boots of on the porch and made my way inside. My uncle was sitting at the dining room table with a cup of coffee.

"Dinner is in the pot. It's rice mixed with vegetables," he tells me not looking at me.

I didn't say anything I just made my way over to the pot. I pulled out a bowl and filled it with rice. I poured me a glass of water and joined my uncle at the table.

He didn't even look at me when is sat down. He just indulged himself into his coffee.

"You know I think about your father a lot," my uncle says "I think about how I could've helped him so he didn't become the screw up he was, but I believed that he would learn from his mistakes eventually. I was wrong. I regretted not helping your mom get out of the situation. I regret a lot of things. One thing I will not regret is letting you walk out that door tomorrow knowing that I've said all I could have said to you. I don't know what else I can do to get through to that thick brain of yours."

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