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The car whirled up to the circular driveway, gravel flew everywhere as the news van came to a halt. Channel 16 logo was on the side of the white van and a huge satellite dish on the roof. Out of the driver's seat stepped a human woman out, her skin was dark and so was her hair. From the passenger's seat came a human young man, red hair and fair skin. "Jesus, we're in the middle of nowhere." The woman said as she looked around, there were trees everywhere, a thick forest that wouldn't let you see further than the feet ahead of you. The only exception to the thick forest was one wooden cottage.

"Is this the place?" The red-haired man asked as he dug something out from the back of the van. It was a tv camera and a microphone. He handed the microphone to the woman.

"Yeah, it's the address they gave us." She answered as she started walking up to the house. The cameraman followed her. They were a few steps up on the front porch, in front of them was a door in the same mahogany wood. The two shared a glance whether or not to knock, ultimately the female knocked on the door.

It took a while before the door was opened, and the person opening the door shocked them. "Uh, hello," the woman started as she looked down at the little girl who had opened, "I'm Michelle Davis, from Channel 16-" Michelle was going to continue but the girl cut her off.

"I'm Lilith," the little girl answered with a big smile, her hair was dark brown and her eyes were a peculiar hazel colour. She wasn't tall barely reaching Michelle's waist. She guessed that the little girl was around four or five years old.

"Nice to meet you," Michelle bent down and extended her hand which Lilith excitedly shook, "you don't know where-" She was cut off by the sound of steps coming from inside the house and then a man popping up behind the little girl.

"Sorry about that," the man said as Michelle rose from her kneeling position, "Lilith loves to talk to people." He ruffed up Lilith's hair.

"My braids!" Lilith managed to get out between the giggles as she tried to get away from the man's teasing. He let the now frizzy-haired girl go and she ran away to somewhere further into the house. With a smile on his lips, the man turned his attention to the woman with a microphone in her hand and the man holding a camera on his shoulder.

"Sorry, where were we? Yes, hello, I'm Connor," he extended his hand to Michelle which she shook.

"I'm Michelle Davis from Channel 16 and this is my cameraman Rob," Rob waved from behind the camera and Connor nodded as a greeting, the man was busy holding a camera in both his hands.

"So that interview was today?" Connor said nervously as he looked down at his clothes, his white painter's coat which he wore over his regular clothes was covered in all kinds of paint splatter. If he was looking in a mirror, then he would have realized that he had some green paint on his jawline too. "I should have dressed more properly. Come in." Connor stepped aside so that the small camera team could walk into the tiny house.

The inside of the house was too in wood, to their immediate left was a small living room, sofa, armchair and a tv. Connected to the living room was the kitchen. To the right of the entrance was a staircase, "up there is Lilith's bedroom and my studio." Connor explained as they moved down the short hallway. "There's the bathroom." He pointed towards a door under the staircase, "and there's the other bedroom." It was the door next to the bathroom. The short corridor ended at another door which Connor opened and walked through.

On the other side of the door was another porch and the view was amazing. There was a huge lawn that went all the way down to a lake. To the right, halfway down to the water, was a swing and a soccer goal, Michelle figured that was for the little girl. The backyard was otherwise surrounded by the forest. "it must be very private here." Michelle remarked as her, Rob and Connor walked out on the lawn.

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